Select Year
1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004
- Ads
- Earn college credits in three weeks during Jan Plan at FLCC, December, November
- FLCC professional studies and continuing education, November
- FLCC's adult student information session, November, October
- Get started at Finger Lakes this Fall!, June
- Home from college for the summer?, April
- Is there a computer career in your future?, April, May
- Ready for a career transition?, February, September
- Register now for Fall classes at FLCC, August
- Register now for Spring classes at FLCC, December, January
- Sports Business: More than a game, February
- Summer courses at Finger Lakes, May
- Summer time is the right time to get ahead, May
- The right place to start!, July
- Adults
- ad - Adult student information session, July
- Adult basic education classes available, August
- Adult students information session, November
- FLCC hosts computer career night for adult learners, May
- FLCC offers info session for adults, July
- FLCC will host a career transitions workshop, October
- FLCC workshop to help adults with career changes, February, September
- Free adult student information session, July
- Thinking about going back to school?, November
- Environmental careers session in Bath, April, March
- Finger Lakes CC hosts Feb. 17 visitation day, January
- FLCC hosts spring preview days for high school students, March
- FLCC plans programs for prospective students, April
- FLCC reception will be about environment careers, March
- FLCC will host campus visitation day for prospective students, February
- FLCC: sports means business (photo), April
- Parent and student information night, February
- Preview Days at Finger Lakes College, April, March
- Sports business professionals share insights, March
- Sports industry career session Feb. 28 at FLCC, January
- Sports means business (photo), March
- WTCC New Vision medical students assist with Career Days at hospital, March
- Agnello, Anna T. Haust
- Obituary, October
- Alampi, Joseph
- Engaged (photo), December
- Anderson, Ginger
- Wilson Offered degree, June
- Anderson, Paul
- Engaged (photo), February, January
- Araujo-Tourella, Virginia
- Picking up where she left off - Geneva woman returns to college after 22 years (photo),September
- Babajitis, Randy
- Making movies come alive with sound (photo), November
- Badger, Kimberly K.
- Engaged (photo), August
- Barrington, Anne
- A noble-cause victim of other budget priorities, April
- Bates, Corey
- Brennan-Bates (photo), December
- Batzel, Hilary
- Batzel receives award, master's degree, June
- Baumgardt, Heather L.
- Married (photo), September
- Beal, Susan P. (Ernhout)
- Obituary, September
- Benedict, Ian
- Engaged (photo), January
- Bernstein, Kyle Renee
- Married (photo), October
- Best, Mary Lou
- Obituary, April
- Birch, Jennifer K.
- Married (photo), January
- Blakesley, Lisa
- Blakesley honored (photo), November
- Blanton, ?
- Endangered Species - New York County, March
- Bloom, Scott J.
- Bloom complete Army flight school (photo), June
- Bobowski, Aaron D.
- Married (photo), July
- Bristol, Justin M.
- When duty calls, August
- Buchholz, Elizabeth
- Hope & Inspiration (photo), March
- Burns, Julia
- Married (photo), December
- Burritt, Andrea
- Andrea Burritt weds Shane Gillispie in double-ring wedding ceremony (photo), September
- Married (photo), October
- Burry, Lisa
- Burry-Carello (photo) [Jason Carello also alum], August
- Butler, Shayla
- Freshmen embark on days of freedom, unknown - area colleges trying to ease students' stress (photo), August
- Campbell, Karen Ann
- Obituary (photo), July
- Carr, Jeffrey
- Engaged (photo), March
- Cass, Kayc
- Cass & Northrop (photo), September
- Caster, Tim
- Have you met . . . (photo), February
- Castle, Seth
- Amy Iak and Seth Castle, August
- Amy Iak and Seth Castle wed in Hornell ceremony (photo), November
- Iak, Castle (photo), August
- Chappell, Kimberly
- Engaged (photo), October, September
- Cheves, Jerry
- Cheves gets scholarship, July
- Cheves signs to play at Stephen F. Austin (photo), July
- From FLCC to the big time (photo), July
- Chimera, John J.
- Sheriff promotes two to county police positions (photo), January
- Two new deputies for Ontario County (photo), January
- Christensen, Kay E.
- Happiness House staffer takes new job (photo), November
- Clement, Kelly
- Engaged (photo), February
- Coffey, Stephanie
- Coffey enrolls at SUNY Brockport (photo), June
- Colacino, Lynne
- . . . has been promoted (photo), February
- Cologgi, Cindy
- Cuzin's restaurant truly a family affair (photo), July
- Colon, Erin DePape
- Colon in the army, September
- In the service, September
- Military service news, May
- When duty calls, September
- Crawford, Brian J.
- Engaged (photo), January
- Curtis, Glenn
- Old No. 1402 - Rochester trolley car a significant part of Honeoye Lakes' history too (photo),November
- Czadzeck, Shawn
- Engaged (photo), September
- Darling, Judy
- What's happening at our schools? (photo), September
- Davenport, Stacey
- Davenport-Hober (photo), June
- Davis, Daniel
- Davis graduates from FLCC (photo), July
- Davoli, John II
- College graduate (photo), May
- Day, Christopher
- Engaged (photo), September
- Deschamps, Andrea T.
- Deschamps, Gray wed (photo), February
- DeWolf, Andrew
- DeWolf named valedictorian of paramedic program (photo), July
- DiCiaccio, Danielle
- Term abroad is music to student's ears (photo), August
- DiCostanzo, Diana N.
- DiCostanzo-Perry [Joshua Perry also alum] (photo), September
- DiNardo, Jeremiah
- Married (photo), February
- DiNieri, Kelly
- Married (photo), December
- Dourie, Joseph
- Engaged (photo), March
- Dunham, Jason
- District must select three new board members, May
- Dunlap, Heather
- Engaged (photo), March
- Earl, Susie Crothers
- A woman of faith (photo), June
- Elder, Kevin
- Engaged (photo), May
- Ellison, Melisa
- Married (photo)
- Ensworth, Jody
- FLCC graduate receives award (photo), July
- FLCC student receives Phi Theta Kappa International recognition, July
- Eshleman, Ann
- Eshleman enrolls at RIT (photo), September
- Everest, Samantha
- Letter to the editor - More rigorous than you think [community college education], May
- Everson, Elisha
- Engaged (photo), February
- Everson, Todd
- Engaged (photo), December, November
- Fackelman, Robert M.
- Married (photo), December
- Felix, Matt
- Canine unit at Rotary (photo), February
- Fenn, Gina L.
- Married (photo), February
- Fernaays, Ali Kristen
- Fernaays-McClure (photo), January
- Fisher, Paul A.
- Married (photo), January
- Foley, Kerry
- Foley-Davis (photo), July
- Married (photo), June
- Folts, Adam M.
- Adam Folts graduates from basic training in Texas (photo), July
- Folts graduates from basic training, July
- Foster, Justin
- Hilligus and Foster wed (photo), October
- Fox, Tom
- 129th candidates cite their edge (photo), October
- Garlock, Michelle Capozzi
- Garlock art exhibition, September
- Garzone, Christian
- Garzone graduates from naval training (photo), July
- Gillman, Donna L.
- Gillman hired at Roberts Communications (photo), May
- Glover, Tiny
- Tiny Glover lives large (photo), May
- Green, Keith
- Sheriff promotes two to county police positions (photo), January
- Two new deputies for Ontario County (photo), January
- Griepsma, Mallary
- Accepted at Brockport, August
- Hacker, Kyle R.
- Local residents to attend SUNY-Oswego, August
- Hall, Mark
- Hall graduates from Daemen College, August
- Hamilton, Cassie L.
- . . . recently awarded a $1,500 USA Funds Access to Education Scholarship, July
- Hastings, Heather
- To college (photo), May
- Heinzenberger, Richard
- Carlin and Heinzenberger to wed in April ceremony, March
- Henry, Cynthia
- Novelist has her roots in Newark (photo), October
- Herendeen, Cory J.
- . . . graduated from basic training, April
- Herendeen completes AIT course, August
- Herendeen completes basic training (photo), February
- Herendeen graduated advanced training, July
- Herendeen graduated training, May
- Hicks, Christopher
- Five slated for Midlakes Hall of Fame induction (photo), September
- Midlakes athletic Hall of Fame '04 recipients (photo), October
- Hobart, Kelly Lee
- Engaged (photo), February
- Hunt, George R.
- . . . received associate's degree, September
- College graduates (photo), July
- Jacobs, Aaron
- Banker-Jacobs (photo), November
- May wedding planned (photo), November
- Jaeger, Kristen
- Engaged (photo), September
- Jagoda, Justin
- Married (photo), November
- Johnson, Kim
- Engaged (photo), May
- Jorgensen, Mia M.
- Mia M. Jorgensen and Mark A. Santee [also alum] (photo), October
- Judd, Mark
- 2004 Entrepreneur of the year (photo), June
- June, Rebecca Alyse
- Married (photo), December
- Kalaska, Kimberly
- Kimberly A. Kalaska and Darnell L. Taylor (photo), September
- Married (photo), September
- Keller, Colin
- Keller completes basic training (photo), May
- Kelsch, Paul G.
- Married (photo), May
- Kocher, Peter S.
- Jamie B. Criss and Peter S. Kocher (photo), November
- Kolb, Brian
- 129th candidates cite their edge (photo), October
- Kramer, Darryl
- Standing tall - A little person teaches a big lesson (photo), March
- Kuhn, Anthony
- Kuhn's bassinet shelters 4 generations of memories (photo), August
- Ladd, Tammy
- Have you met . . . (photo), January
- Langan, Monica
- Langan heads to medical school (photo), August
- Lash, Margaret
- Fighting the fog of dementia - A Phelps woman is part of a research team trying to improve the lives of nursing home residents with Alzheimer's or related diseases (photo), September
- Leisenring, Jonathan
- Plucinik and Leisenring engaged (photo), May
- Lorenzetti, Denise
- . . . recently awarded Section V Class D Cheerleading Coach of the Year (photo), March
- Lotz, Cassandra
- Engaged (photo), March
- Love, Brenda
- Honored by DKG, June
- Omega chapter awards education grants, June
- Lyttle, Dana
- Local residents receive SUNY Oswego merit awards, July
- MacNabb, Melissa
- Married (photo), March
- Manley, Tricia
- RIT hires former PY standout, February
- Marquart, Chris
- . . . honored with the "Cap" Creal Journalism Award, February
- College graduates (photo), June
- Marshall, Stephanie
- Sharing a mother's legacy - Potter is among the artists opening their studios to visitors (photo),September
- Mason, Cliff
- Couple says "I do" at Fatzinger Hall (photo), February
- Mason, Rebecca
- Married (photo), August
- McCarthy, Erin B.
- McCarthy heads to RIT (photo), August
- McCool, Melissa
- Engaged (photo), May
- McCool-Smith (photo), November
- McDermott, Mike
- Geneva sports Hall of Fame (photo), November
- McGrath, Dave
- Singer-songwriter having a big summer (photo), July
- Militello, Pamela
- Married (photo), March
- Miller, Carrie A.
- Carrie A. Miller and Matthew J. Steiner [also alum] (photo), September
- Miller, Elizabeth 'Bette'
- Obituary, July
- Miller, Eric
- Married (photo), August
- Miller, Jason J.
- Engaged (photo), July
- Milligan, John
- Engaged (photo)
- Milliman, Alison N.
- FLCC student receives biology scholarship, July
- Milliman receives scholarship, August
- Minute, Michelle
- Minute named to national dean's list, April
- Montgomery, Robert
- Kunselman and Montgomery to wed in July 2005 (photo), September
- Moon, Mary R.
- FLCC graduate (photo), July
- Mott, Andrew J.
- Obituary, May
- Mourey, Clarice
- Hospital nurses mentor at Newark-Wayne, DeMay (photo), January
- Mentoring program has strength (photo), January
- Mozeik, Melissa
- Scandals serve as magnet for accounting profession, October
- Muchard, Steven M.
- Married (photo), December, September
- Mullin, Aimee Lynn
- Mullin/Miller (photo), January
- Murch, Stacy
- Murch enrolls at RIT, April
- Murphy, Christine
- Murphy-Tay (photo), February
- Nichols, Eugene "Eden"
- Nichols graduates, June
- Nielsen, Mathew
- Married (photo), February
- Nosal, ?
- Solid Waste Complaint - Cattaraugus County, March
- Nye, Jason
- Erin L. Pickering and Jason K. Nye (photo), November
- O'Shea, Patrick
- Hometown son now Navy commander (photo), December
- O'Toole, Joe
- Society leader's history lesson pays off (photo), October
- Oldweiler, Mary
- Back from the Himalayas - An FLCC graduate helped Tibetan refugees heal from their arduous treks to freedom (photo), October
- Olson, Amanda
- Engaged (photo), March
- Onze, Jeff
- The roots of success [Victor baseball program], August
- Orbaker, Jeff Jr.
- Engaged (photo), March
- Paine, Kelly Anne
- Paine heads to RIT, June
- Panzarella, Lisa A.
- Obituary, March
- Paolicelli, Justin
- FLCC student gets arboriculture award (photo), July
- FLCC student honored (photo), August
- Parsell, Matthew
- Married (photo), August
- Passalacqua, Mike
- Son joins father on city police force (photo), January
- Passalacqua, Ron
- Son joins father on city police force (photo), January
- Peck, John
- Engaged, March
- Pelton, Jay
- Clark-Pelton (photo), October
- Wed in Clifton Springs (photo), October
- Perry, Andrea C.
- College graduate (photo), June
- College graduates, June
- Pielow, Laura N.
- Obituary, March
- Pietrocarlo, Jaime
- Engaged (photo), July
- Platani, Anthony R.
- Married (photo), April
- Plucinik, Toni
- Engaged (photo) [Jonathan Leisenring also alum], June
- Plumb, Janelle M.
- FLCC grad receives benefactor award (photo), June
- Plumb wins award (photo with Michael J. Miller, Nancy Clarkson, Daniel T. Hayes), June
- Povero, Philip
- Boy Scouts to be honored [Philip Povero will receive Distinguished Citizen Award], January
- Provenzano, Natalie A.
- Engaged (photo), October
- Roberts, Adrienne
- College graduates (photo), August
- Rzepka, Damien
- Married (photo), March
- Sawers, Jamie
- Sawers on dean's list, February
- Scaglia, Beverly A.
- Obituary, January
- Schiltz, Kimberly
- Schiltz-Paul (photo), February
- Schwingle, Randy
- Yates County Sergeant receives award for 'Court Officer of the Year' (photo), February
- Sellinger, Stephanie
- Sellinger and McWilliams engaged (photo), December
- Shipley, John Jr.
- Bruzee-Shipley (photo), December
- Married in June (photo), December
- Shipley, Ryan
- Groot, Shipley double-team Keuka (photo), March
- Shoemaker, Amy
- Engaged (photo), August, July
- Slywka, Tricia
- Slywka-Caraballo (photo) [Jose Carabello also alum], March
- Smith, Amanda J.
- College graduates (photo), July
- Smith, Christopher P.
- When duty calls (photo), July
- Smith, Craig
- Wheels of fortune turn for bike-shop owner (photo), May
- Smith, Melanie
- Profiles (photo), July
- Stambach, Melanie
- Engaged (photo), March
- Married (photo), September
- Stephens, Tracy
- Married (photo), April
- Sterling, Michele M.
- Michele M. Sterling loses battle with Lou Gehrig's disease, January
- Stopka, Nicole
- Second chances - hundreds of people make up for lack of diploma by getting GEDs, November
- Stothard, Jenna
- Albion Presbyterian joins Jenna's fight (photo), May
- Festival to aid transplant patient, July
- Fund-raiser set for FLCC student, July
- Tough year for a strong teenager (photo), May
- Transplant campaign to be at Fest, June
- Waiting and Hoping - the family of 19-year-old Jenna Stothard of Avoca is trying to raise $65,000 to help pay for a transplant operation (photo), May
- Stramonine, Jeremie J.
- . . . has joined the United States Army, February
- Styliadis, Allison
- Allison Styliadis and Dr. Jerid Fisher (photo), December
- Sutherland, Serenity
- . . . named to dean's list (photo), July
- Sweeting, Karen
- Sweden candidates seek re-election (photo), November
- Thomas, Michael
- Engaged (photo), January
- Tolley, Magdalene
- Super Tuesday for Kerry (photo), March
- Travis, Flora A.
- Married (photo), August
- VanDamme, Ryan
- Engaged (photo), March
- VanDelinder, Robert
- Marshall, VanDelinder exchange vows (photo), January
- VanKouwenberg, Sheri
- Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lake (photo), August
- Vincent, Paul-Michael
- Engaged (photo), May
- Vogt, Mary Lou
- Longtime Chamber employee to retire (photo), July
- Vogt, Nicole
- Vogt to attend law school (photo), August
- Walsh, James A.
- Walsh receives doctorate (photo), August
- Waterman, Jayme
- Married (photo), October
- Waterman-Herron (photo), September
- Welcher, Andrea L.
- Married (photo), June, May
- Place and Welcher wed (photo), August
- Welker, Paul
- Welker earns honor (photo) [FLCC Athletics Hall of Fame], May
- Wilkins, Danielle
- Engaged (photo), November
- Local residents to attend SUNY-Oswego, August
- Williamson, Ryan
- Williamson earns bachelor's degree, August
- Wise, Rachel S.
- Wise heads to SUNY Brockport, August
- Wood, Brandon
- Wood is sales associate at Sbarra & Wells (photo), March
- Wood, Laurie E.
- Wood, Anagnos plan wedding ceremony for June 2005 (photo), September
- Wood, Mary Jane Rozell
- Obituary, September
- Wood, Nicole L.
- Wood enrolls at SUNY Brockport, February
- Woodhams, Elizabeth
- Engaged (photo), February
Alumni Association
- Awards
- Musclow receives alumni award (photo Randy Musclow), July
- Notable Names - Musclow receives alumni award (photo Randy Musclow), July
- FLCC alumni association elects new members, February
- FLCC alumni group names leaders [Joan Bishop, Douglas Forgue, Richard Wyffels, Serenity Sutherland], January
- FLCC honors two distinguished alumni [William Santelli, Rudy Musclow], March
- FLCC names two Distinguished Alumni (photo Rudy Musclow, William Santelli), March
- Exhibits
- Abraham, Darryl
- 'Rural Environments' - Abraham's artwork on display at FLCC (photos of artwork), February
- (photos of exhibit and Darryl Abraham), March
- This is not a story about fishing (photos artwork), March
- This is not a story about fishing (photos artwork, Darryl Abraham), April
- Hutchens, Frank Townsend
- Art event Friday at FLCC, September
- Art reception Friday, August
- FLCC Hutchens exhibit opens (photo artwork), September
- Gallery 43 presents Hutchens exhibit (photos of artwork), September
- Local artist's work shown, August
- Paintings to be on display at FLCC (photo), August
- Jemison, G. Peter
- (photo of artwork), April
- Explore the art world of G. Peter Jemison (photos artwork, Peter Jemison, Barron Naegel, Josh Heller), April
- FLCC's Gallery 34 presents 'Return to the landscape,' April
- Hopewell: Time Out (photo), April
- Return to the Landscape (photo of artwork), May
- Seneca Indian exhibits artwork in April, March
- Petitto, Andrea
- Family (artistic) ties - new exhibit opens Oct. 21 at FLCC gallery (photos), October
- FLCC gallery to host human body exhibit, October
- Sottile, Don
- FLCC's Williams-Insalaco Gallery 34 presents: 'Without Sorrow: Sculpture by Don Sottile,'December
- Sottile sculpture exhibit, November
- Wood sculptures at FLCC (photos), December
- Abraham, Darryl
- Spring Arts Festival
- ad, May
- FLCC to hold arts festival, May
- Performing, visual art festival May 7, May
Benefits and Charities
- Bruce Bridgman 5km
- Road races made millions for charities in 2003, May
- Food, winter clothing drive benefits mental health clients, November
- United Way
- Day of Sharing brings connects community (photos Grace Loomis, Tracy Gingrich, Michael Durfee, John Foust, Kimberly Kise, Daniel T. Hayes, Maureen Maas-Feary, Stephanie Cartwright, Daniella Bharath), April
Board of Trustees
- Belmont to lead FLCC board in '04 (photos Robert Belmont, Robert Griswold, Anne Galbraith), January
- FLCC board names three to top posts [Robert Belmont, Robert Griswold, Anne Galbraith], January
- FLCC elects new officers (photos Robert Belmont, Anne Galbraith, Robert Griswold), February, March
- Officers elected for FLCC board of trustees [Robert Belmont, Robert Griswold, Anne Galbraith],January
- Trustees
- Belmont, Robert
- Chairman of the board (photo), February
- Blazey, Karen Davison
- 19th Annual Athena Award presented (photo), January
- Karen Davison Blazey takes joy in working for women, community colleges, Quantum! (photo), November
- Cartwright, Stephanie
- New student trustee joins FLCC Board, January
- Friend, Jeffrey
- 3 named to top LNB positions (photo), October
- Pataki appoints Friend to FLCC board (photo), January
- Oestreich, Philip
- Fire chief, supervisor, 'good friend' (photo), February
- Obituary, February
- Belmont, Robert
- College budget passed, August
- FLCC 2004-05 budget includes tuition hike, August
- FLCC looks to raise $4 million, March
- Hopewell spending to drop in '05, November
- Hopewell tires of being such a generous host, November
- Hopewell wants more cash from county, September
- Input sought on college budget, July
- Patacki vetoes costly for FLCC, August
- Private funds will reinforce mission of public colleges, March
- SUNY schools set to up the ante - Statewide fundraising goal goes to $2 billion, March
Buildings and Grounds
- Auditorium
- College project gets boost from Albany, August
- Ontario to reap $5M windfall, December
- Campus Safety
- Accidents [woman hit light pole in parking lot], December
- College gets in-house cop (photo Ray Montcrieff), November
- ER man becomes college's in-house officer - the current director of public safety at FLCC will soon be able to make arrests, November
- Light shed on campus safety, May
- MCC at helm of anti-terror training idea, June
- Computer Systems
- FLCC media lab gets new Macintosh computers, November
- FLCC selected to test new version of "Colleague," April
- FLCC will test Colleague software, May
- $10 million arts center plan unveiled (photos including George Hamlin IV), November
- $10 million plan to expand concert site (photo), November
- $10M shell project on the table, November
- A double makeover for concert shell, June
- Auditorium also planned, November
- Editorial - A great addition to a great place to live, December, November
- FLPAC expansion talks under way, November
- FLPAC investors hope to revive its heyday, November
- FLPAC will undergo $10M expansion project in 2005, December
- Letter to the editor - Another vote for 'Meder-Sands' - Donald J. Rider, December
- Letter to the editor - Call the shell Meder-Sands center - John J. Long, December
- Letter to the editor - Upgrades to shell aren't really 'a great day' - James H. Gould, December
- New auditorium, but no expansion for the shell (photo), May
- Shell in line for $10M in renovations, November
- Updated Shell to get new name, November
- Hopewell: family outing (photo of ducks on pond), May
- Hours
- FLCC starts summer hours, May
- Labelon
- Is there life left in Labelon site? (photos), January
- Mueller Field Station
- A first step to zoning, February
- Ontario task force urges expansion of broadband, July
- Pummeled at the pumps - With gas prices nudging the $2-per-gallon level, the pain ripples out throughout the community (photo of lawn mowing at FLCC), May
- Shuttle
- FLCC students ride out the bad weather of winter (photo Jason Hotelling, Lindsay Willison),February
- VA
- 5 local names on V.A. panel, November
- Canandaigua still needs united front on the VA, September
- Canandaigua V.A. to lease class space to FLCC, July
- College growing out of its campus, December
- College leases space at VA, July
- College offers courses at the VA, December
- Editorial - A wrong turn for Canandaigua VA, August
- Editorial - Thinking ahead - The V.A. and the region must be smart about veterans services, July
- FLCC Emergency Medical Services program moves to the VA campus (photo Sam Casella, David Smith, Ellen Polimeni, Daniel Hayes, David Baker), July
- For vets: new faces, new worries, December
- Houghton to head VA committee, November
- Skeptical vets rally for V.A. hospital, August
- V.A. chief halts building lease (photo Anthony Principi), July
- VA backers angry at area officials over lease deal, July
- VA chief approves lease deal with FLCC, August
- VA lease with FLCC called off, July
- VA lease with FLCC is a go, August
- VA plan calls for local advisors, June
- VA supporters split, September
Center for Advisement
- Transfer
- FLCC college fair, February
College Relations
- . . . received four awards, October
- Advertising awards won by FLCC, April
- FLCC office honored for two commercials, June
- FLCC office of college relations wins awards, November
- Four awards to FLCC for marketing, PR, November
- Banking on her future - A mother of five who went back to school in her early 40s is one of nearly 900 FLCC graduates this year (photo Karen Lindquist), May
- Finger Lakes Community College announces its 2004 graduates, September
- FLCC graduates, August
- FLCC hosts 36th annual commencement ceremonies May 23, May
- Graduates told to never give up (photo Jessica Koch and students), May
- Speaker
- Kids advocate to speak at FLCC graduation [Janice Weinman], April
- Students graduate in May from FLCC, August
Courses and Programs
- Anthropology
- FLCC class gets hands-on with mummies (photos Brianne Baldwin, Dan Watkins), October
- FLCC students practice ancient techniques of mummification, May
- It's the tomb of tutankham-hen - FLCC students preserved and buried game hens for an anthropology class (photo Dan Peltier, Janis Mallula), May
- Mummy experiment at FLCC (photo Marty Hillman, Sue Pero), May
- Business
- Start-up resources abound here, July
- Community Education
- ad - Fall classes, August
- Basic drawing caricatures offered, February
- Credit free at FLCC, January
- Credit free classes, August
- Digital photo classes offered, July
- FLCC announce July classes, June
- FLCC classes, May
- FLCC classes include Word and Access, November
- FLCC community education announces April classes, March
- FLCC community education announces July classes, July
- FLCC community education announces May classes, May
- FLCC community education announces November classes, October
- FLCC community education announces October classes, September
- FLCC credit-free class offerings, April
- FLCC credit-free classes planned, March
- FLCC lists March non-credit courses, February
- FLCC lists non-credit courses for month, December
- FLCC offers digital photo courses, December
- FLCC schedules digital photography courses, August
- FLCC to offer non-credit courses in August, July
- July credit-free classes, June
- Learn about digital photography techniques, March
- Pottery classes offered at FLCC, October
- Rafting among May FLCC offerings, April
- Computers
- Computer certification testing at FLCC, November
- FLCC computer certification testing center has extended its hours, October
- FLCC offers computer certification to its students and to the public, June
- FLCC opens computer certification center, June
- New computer center at FLCC, July
- Conservation
- 87,000 walleye fingerlings released into Conesus Lake, September
- A chain-saw massacre and other fun stuff (photos Dave Duerr, Steven Arndt, Darren Saulsgiver),May
- All eyes on Walleyes, March
- Bears
- Into the wild - brews 'n bears, September
- Meet the new neighbors: Bears, March
- Tall, dark and handsome strangers [John Foust quoted], July
- The bear facts - FLCC faculty shares bear knowledge at nature center (photo Naples bear),April, March
- Birds of Prey - up close and personal with a Braddock Bay raptor researcher, October
- Editorial - ECO's dream deserves to live, December
- Fish hatchery opens at Muller (photo DEC director Sean Hanna), June
- FLCC honored in 'Community College Week,' August
- FLCC ranks second in conservation degrees, August
- FLCC recognized for number of conservation degrees awarded, August
- FLCC to offer wildfire course, April
- Mammals on display, November
- Muller Field Station
- A cheer . . . winners of the prestigious Hugh E. Cumming Environmental Quality Award,November
- Odd guy - love-stricken walleyes and one mad pike (photos Tim Trickler, Steve Connelly, Chris DeVanzo), April
- Otter Project
- Finger Lakes region earns international fame, February
- Publication praises FLCC conservation programs, August
- Raising walleye, May
- Regional DEC director shares goals, March
- Spotted at Cummings: White knights - In the works are partnerships between the financially strapped nature center and a green group and a school district, March
- Wildland fire suppression course, March
- Education
- Soon, local teachers may be home-grown, July
- A real emergency - Naple ambulance unable to respond to call for help due to lack of volunteers,February
- FLCC relocates EMS training program to Canandaigua VA, August
- Medic milestone (photo Bill Colburn and Kim Hammond), July
- . . . offered through Finger Lakes Community College, July, June
- College to offer ESL TV program, August
- Crossroads Cafe, February, January
- ESL at FLCC, August
- FLCC and TV program offer ESL instructions, January
- FLCC offers summer ESL course, May
- FLCC programs on FLTV channel 12, August
- Free ESL classes at FLCC, January
- FLCC and TV course offer GED preparation, February
- FLCC GED graduation, September
- FLCC GED graduation ceremony, August
- FLCC holds 2004 GED graduation and recognition ceremony, August
- FLCC offers GED help in English, Spanish, January
- FLCC offers GED programs in multiple languages, January
- FLCC programs on FLTV channel 12, August
- Free GED course, August
- GED course begins, August
- GED courses announced, January
- GED on TV, January
- Getting 34 out-of-school kids on track, April
- Program puts out of school youth on track, May
- Regulations irk home-schooled students, March
- Sign up for free GED classes through FLCC, May
- Wayne Pre-Trial receives funds, February
- Gemini
- A real learning experience (photo Phoebe McDougal, Lindsey Jensen, Brandi Corino), April
- Accreditation ad from Chronicle of Higher Education, November
- Board discusses budget, Ginna [Wayne Central], August
- FLCC gemini program one of four institutions to receive accreditation, June
- FLCC's Gemini program accredited by alliance, June
- New administrator position approved, March
- Honors
- Hearth Project
- Words and warmth (photos Jon Palzer and students, Samy Soriano), May
- Hearth Project
- Institute
- Adventures in Ventures, August
- Computer confidence training for grape growers a success, November
- FLCC Institute announces March classes, February
- FLCC Institute to offer three January classes, January
- How about some cheese with your wine?, February
- Keyboard 101 on the way for grape growers, January
- New business workshop held (photo including Carol Ann Joki), October
- Record crowd at grape growers' convention, show, March
- Small business know-how, November
- The Small Business Development Center . . . is presenting a "Business Killers" workshop series,October
- Workforce Development offers workshops, March
- Yates County Workforce Development will present training, workshop, December
- Massage
- Requirements for practicing massage therapy, May
- Medaille
- Medaille gets spot at FLCC, January
- Music Recording Technology
- FLCC gets Pro Tools, December
- FLCC offers pro tools (photo Geoff Smith and students Rachel Johnson and Erica Scialdone),December
- Nursing
- (photo student Laurie Travis, Lisa Moon, Tricia Henderson, David Johnson, Desiree Ellison, Tina Stoddard and Dee Dee Yonker), June
- FLCC nursing students plan poster project, April, March
- Poster presentation on human sexuality, March
- State may require four-year degrees for all new nurses, April
- State may up nurse training, April
- Paralegal
- Mock trial (photos Jessica Swarts, Bruce Thompkins, Angie Harris, Kristen Jaegers, Sarah Erdle, Judge Craig Doran, Prosecutor Robert Gosper), May
- Sports and Tourism Studies
- FLCC sports and tourism students to attend conference, September
- FLCC sports industry seminar, February
- FLCC students meet with industry professionals, June
- Info session on sports industry careers, February
- Sports/Tourism students travel to New Orleans, January
- FLCC tourism studies, June
- Interns help tourism agency [Melinda Skinner], May Tourism
Dean's List
- Area students included on national Who's Who lists, March
- College achievers named, February
- Dean's list, July
- F.L. Community College dean's list is announced, September
- Finger Lakes Community College announces Dean's list students for Spring 2004, July
- FLCC spring dean's list, August
- Local students included in the National Dean's List, December
- Local students included in the National Dean's List [Sheila D. Bolton, Benjamin D. Cameron, Lyndsey B. Hilberer, Patricia M. Henderson, Erin L. Hoose, Christin M. Jensen, Katie A. Martens, Jessica M. Anderson, Ashly Sherman], March
- On Dean's Lists [Mary R. Moon, Paul L. Carr, Jessica Richmond, Christine E. Angell, Becky Jones],March
Development Office
- Alumni giving rebounds after a horrible year, March
- Dracula
- FLCC presents "The Passion of Dracula" (photo), November
- FLCC presents Fall 2004 Theatre Production (photos Taylor Barth, Brianna Schnurr, Christina Nardozzi, James Smith, Jason Riley, Christopher Joseph, Amy Smith, Gregory Waite, Eric Purdy),October
- FLCC students to stage "The Passion of Dracula," October
- What is causing the death of village women? (photos Greg Waite, Christina Nardozzi, Christopher Joseph, Taylor Barth, Brianna Schnurr, Eric Purdy, James Smith), November
- FLCC actors plan free show, November
- Fools
- Actors dumb it down (photo Lindsay Zaroogian, Mark McClure, Adam Rath, Lorelei Canne), April
- ad, April, March
- FLCC presents "Fools" for Spring Theatre (photos Lorelei Canne, Lindsay Zaroogian, Ashley Hyjek, Sara Gentner, Joshua Pearson, Adam Rath, Mark McClure, Greg Chrysler, Randy Hample),April
- FLCC presents Spring 2004 theatre production, March
- Simon's Fools, April, March
- Present Tense
- Canandaigua: teen angst and antics (photos Ashley Boorum, Eric Purdy, Chelsea Ferguson),December
- Editorial - An unfair grade - N.Y. higher education took an F, though things are better than that,September
- FLCC in top two in graduation rate, August
- FLCC second for SUNY college grads, August
- FLCC sets record for full-time enrollment, December
- Foreign students' numbers shrinking at U.S. colleges, November
- Record enrollment at Finger Lakes C.C., December
- SUNY, CUNY enrollment hit records, September
- Business Symposium
- 200 will compete at business symposium, May
- FLCC hosts business competition for area high schools, May
- FLCC hosts business symposium for area high schools, June
- Olympian to students: 'You have to believe' (photo Cathy Turner), May
- Results announced for FLCC business symposium and competition, May
- Results announced for FLCC competition, June
- Conservation Field Days
- Your teacher today is . . . a frog (photos), September
- Drag Show
- Drag show set for Dec. 10 at FLCC, December
- Environmental Careers Camp
- Learning by doing in the outdoors (photos John VanNiel, Jessica Morgan), August
- This camp's a natural fit (photo), August
- Fall Garden Symposium
- Fall Garden Symposium '04, October
- FLCC to host gardening workshops, October
- Gardening talks are perennial pleasers, November
- Glamour
- FLCC students present "Glamour" drag show on May 7 (photo), May
- Impersonation, May
- Global Awareness
- "Monsoon Wedding" coming to FLCC, October
- African dance at FLCC, February
- Beatles Night
- Beatles movie launches series, September
- Beatles remembered at FLCC, December
- Hopewell: Readin', Ritin' and Ringo (photo Dr. Daniel Hayes), September
- The Beatles help FLCC Global Awareness series, November
- Brazilian meal, film at FLCC, November
- Dady Brothers will perform at FLCC, April, March
- FLCC art instructor to describe West Africa [Barron Naegel], March
- Global Awareness series at FLCC, February
- Indian film, jazz next in FLCC series, October
- Initiation rites (photos of sushi meal, Jody Ensworth), May
- Latin/jazz band and salsas at FLCC tonight, November
- Mandala
- FLCC presents 'The world in a grain of sand' with the creation of the mandala of compassion,September
- Going with the flow - A Tibetan monk has spent the last six days working with colored sand to make an intricate art piece - only to see it poured into a stream today (photos including Rich Hamling), October
- Mandala at FLCC (photo), November
- Monk to create mandala (photo Tenzin Yignyen), September
- Prayerful expression created with sand (photo), October
- Tibetan sand art displayed, October
- Mystery of Ireland program at FLCC, November
- Save the date! FLCC's Global Awareness series presents 'the magic and mystery of Ireland,'November
- See the Mambo Kings, October
- Take a trek through China, December
- Tunisian dinner, film planned at FLCC, May
- West African symbolic language, art is topic, March
- Infotonics Science Camp
- A cheer to the Infotonics Center and Finger Lakes Community College, June
- Creating the right tonic for the area's success (photo Infotonics CEO David Smith), November
- Editorial - Science: it's not just for geeks, August
- Fun with slime at science camp (photos), August
- Infotonics Center opens 'wizard school' summer camp, June
- Science magic casts spell (photos), July
- Kuhl-Barend Debate
- College to hold Kuhl-Barend debate, October
- House hopefuls set for on-air debate (photo), October
- Letter to the editor - Kuhl lacked grace at college debate - David Harmon, November
- May Day
- Big day on campus (photos Tricia Willis, Devin Westcott), May
- FLCC fireworks display, May
- Poetry
- Poetry reading at FLCC, April
- Rhythmic Revolution Festival
- FLCC students to host rock and vote music fest, September
- FLCC to host music festival (photo Henry Rollins), September
- Rhythm can help start the revolution - music fest urges young people to vote (photo Henry Rollins), September
- Voting 101, September
- Science-Tech Exploration Day
- FLCC host science-tech day for girls, May
- FLCC hosts full house for Science-Tech day (photos), June
- FLCC: Science, Tech exploration (photo Warren White and students), June
- Tom Tomorrow
- Political cartoonist speaks at college (photo Dan Perkins), September
- Visiting Scholar's Forum
- 'Citizen' star gives voice to the issues that matter (photo Danny Glover), September
- Actor-activist gets personal at shell (photo danny Glover), September
- Actors will push activism at FLCC (photos), August
- Actors will visit FLCC in September, August
- Danny Glover and Felix Justice to speak at FLCC (photos), August
- FLCC presents Activism: the role of a lifetime (photo Danny Glover), September
- Justice: 'Keep your tools sharp' (photo Felix Justice), September
- Keep fighting for what's right (photo Danny Glover and Felix Justice), September
- Wednesday Night Live
- Live at FLCC - He's a poet (photo Jeremy Fernaays), February
- Music at FLCC [Keith Harden], February
Extension Centers
- Geneva
- Chairman says Geneva site needed, February
- County seeks fixed space in Geneva, February
- Newark
- Five NDC 'cottages' are biting the dust (photo), July
- Harper retires after 35 years, August
Faculty and Staff
- Abraham, Darryl
- FLCC instructors receive art awards (photo artwork), February
- Alvarez, Nina
- Music, poetry at Bristol Valley, May
- Wesley Hill Nature Preserve celebrates its 'roots,' May
- Atwood, Bob
- Former FL East stars look to restore roar with 'Cats, January
- Babcock, Wally
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
- Banaszewski, Bill
- . . . granted emeritus status, November
- Professor emeritus - Bill Banaszewski is one of FLCC's charter faculty members (photo), October
- Retired professor receives emeritus status (photo), December, October
- Barry, Sarah
- FLCC art instructor shows at California gallery, March
- FLCC instructors receive art awards, February
- Instructor Barry exhibits artwork at gallery in San Francisco, March
- Bricker, Jack
- McCarthyism resonates 50 years later, March
- Bridgman, Bruce
- 'An innocent generation' - Canandaigua Academy's class of '54 gets together for an evening,August
- Brownell, Liz
- 'Funky' T-shirt helps define this year's Park Ave Fest (photo), August
- Clarkson, Nancy
- Thompson a magnet for nursing care, November
- Connelly, Stephen
- Creature comforts, August
- Learn about birds of prey, August
- Wild creatures of the Finger Lakes, August
- Coriale, Mary
- Finger Lakes CC promotes Coriale, July
- Dalton, Chief
- Palmyra from a distance, April
- Dobbler, Donna
- Scholarship awarded to Geneva resident, January
- Dodge, Marty
- 'Green thumb' couple honored (photo of Doc and Katy Abraham), August
- Letter to the editor - 'Wal-Mart' style can't be sustained for long (photo), September
- Letter to the editor - Why burn barrels should be illegal, April
- MCC events explore impact of alternate fuels, May
- National Trails Day: Variations on a theme (photo), June
- Poetry aids in exploring spirit, June
- Duprey, Steve
- Geneva Theatre Guild's production honored, August
- GTG musical wins five merit awards, August
- Eichelberger, Michelle
- . . . recipients of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence, May
- FLCC employees receive Chancellor's Awards, June
- Englert, James
- FLCC workers place third at Snowplow 'Roadeo,' February
- Evarts, Gary
- Kuk Sool Won (photos), October
- Martial arts master on magazine cover (photo), November
- FLCC awards eight area staff members [Jeff Adams, Randy Callin, Corinne Canough, Teresa Daddis, Bonnie Rands, Rich Schlesinger, Barb Schreiber, Joe Shulman], July
- FLCC faculty receive promotions [Timothy Biehler, Elizabeth Brownell, Mary Coriale, Larry Dugan, Deborah Ferrell, Jeff Howard, Sudy Landholm, Richard Larkin, Chris Parker], July
- Foust, John
- A big break for the deer (photo of deer), March
- First Sandhills in New York State, February
- Gebhardt, Amy
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
- Gillard, Maria
- 'Snowscapes,' February
- Gilman, Bruce
- Great Hill Nature Preserve, May
- Keeping it clean - A five-year plan aims to protect the Canandaigua Lake watershed through both education and more tangible projects, September
- Map offers detailed look at watershed, June
- Protecting Canandaigua's crown jewel, March
- Haluch, John
- . . . recipients of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence, May
- FLCC employees receive Chancellor's Awards, June
- Professor granted emeritus status, June
- Hartwell, Mark
- Teachers honored, November
- Haskins, Alice
- Mental illness is focus of League's meeting, May
- Haynes, Daniel
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
- Insalaco, Thomas
- Art group creating visual poetry, February
- Penfield Art Association announces winners, February
- Penfield Art Association names winners, March
- Winter Art Show announced [will judge], January
- Lee, Terry
- Probation department has new director (photo), January
- Lowden, Bob
- Baseball clinic lets coaches help coaches, January
- Hilton slates coaches clinic, January
- Maas-Feary, Maureen
- Article - Ghost of college years past rattles daughter's chains (photo), September
- MacNamara, Fred
- 'The Magic and Mystery of Ireland' Nov. 10 (photo), November
- Professor to share insight on Ireland (photo), November
- Maus, Henry
- Who started the syrup?, April
- Who were the first syrup makers?, March
- McGuire, David
- . . . had an original musical composition title Three Sketches After Jackson Pollock presented at the National University of Music in Bucharest, January
- Morgan, Jessica
- Kids: Summer play day at Tinker Nature Park (photo), September
- Nehring Bliss, Curt
- Music, poetry at Bristol Valley, May
- Wesley Hill Nature Preserve celebrates its 'roots,' May
- Nehring Bliss, Nannie, May
- Wesley Hill Nature Preserve celebrates its 'roots,' May
- Nettnin, Pat
- FLCC - Late professor honored (photo Sandy Brown with plaque in honor of Pat Nettnin),September
- FLCC grants emeritus status to deceased professor, March
- Nettnin gets FLCC honor, May
- Obituary (photo), March
- O'Donnell, Karen
- . . . recipients of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence, May
- FLCC employees receive Chancellor's Awards, June
- Ortenzi, Leonard
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
- Oswald, Cynthia
- Livingston Chamber leader seeks ideas (photo), March
- Perri, Jim
- The play's the thing - high school students wrote, and are performing, a play about families overcoming their differences (photos), August
- The Wood Library Teen Theatre Troup will perform the original play "Giving Thanks," August
- Rapoza, R.J.
- Geneva Theatre Guild's production honored, August
- GTG musical wins five merit awards, August
- Revell, Kate
- Activities engage retirement community residents, June
- Rice, Dan
- Grandfather's guidance - Athena's Mancarella twins got start from late grandpa (coach Dan Rice mentioned), November
- Samson, Elena
- Samson seeks to strengthen Advanced Studies program (photo), September
- Sinton, William
- Sinton receives business degree, May
- Smith, Geoff
- Waterloo home almost ready - Sound effects will be feature of M'Clintock tours (photos), May
- Spink, Donna M.
- . . . recipients of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence, May
- FLCC employees receive Chancellor's Awards, June
- Stein, Karen
- . . . recently presented, September
- FLCC employees speak at national conference, August
- Stell, Douglas S.
- Obituary, July
- Terninko, Anne
- 'Celebration and joy' for this year's ATHENA winner (photo), November
- 2004 Athena award recipient named, December
- FLCC conservation professor receives award from birding society, December
- FLCC instructor receives Eaton Memorial Award, December
- Woman of distinction - wildlife expert Anne Terninko honored, December
- Thomas, Wendy
- Married (photo), July
- Thorpe, Al
- Obituary, December
- Soldier, postman, educator dies (photo), December
- Thurston, Lynn
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
- Ticonchuk, Bernadine
- Though sunshine fades, we have lots of garden time left, October
- Topping, Thomas
- . . . recently appointed (photo), June, September
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members (photo), May
- New on the job - with 25 years' experience (photo), May
- The new neighbors (photos), December
- Treat, Bruce
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
- Urbaitis, Carol
- . . . recently presented, September
- FLCC employees speak at national conference, August
- VanNiel, John
- 'Christmas in November' for hunters, November
- 'Winter has lost its way' - The warm weather is hurting some businesses, but the birds and construction workers like it, January
- Article - The Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, September
- Bear population topic at Kiwanis, July
- Everything you ever wanted to know about groundhogs . . ., February
- First Sandhills in New York State, February
- Groundhog Day: Chuck it, some say, February
- Out-of-towners blow in - It's the biggest show in the sky as migrating birds return while others hang around waiting for the weather to break, March
- Photo entries sought by wetlands complex, September
- Sandhill crane breeding confirmed (photo of crane), January
- VanNiel, Laura
- Health care review (photo), July
- Walker, James
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
- White, Malcolm
- FLCC workers place third at Snowplow 'Roadeo,' February
- Williams, Wayne
- Area artists awarded at annual show, sale, June
- FLCC instructors receive art awards, February
- Seneca statue effort resumes (photo), July
- Wayne art group presents awards from spring show, June
- Wink, Rob
- FLCC names new vice president, eight staff members, May
Financial Aid
- Financial aid meeting for parents scheduled, January
- Scholarships
- Clair Elliot Fund golf tourney set, June
- Downpour couldn't stop great event [Kiwanis auction, funds serve scholarship], May
- FLCC Foundation creates new 'S and S Scholarship,' November
- For these women, it's a lot more than tea-time [American Association of University Women give scholarship], September
- Golf tourney to benefit scholarship fund [Clair Elliott Memorial Scholarship], May
- Hospital honors those who volunteer [Clifton Springs Hospital Auxiliary], May
- New scholarship comes to FLCC [Angela M. "Sue" Zimmerman and Stephen G. Lyttle], November
- Work? Study? Why not do both?, September
- Where's that eye in the sky? (photo David Conyer), March
- Foundation
- FLCC Foundation announces new "S and S scholarship" (photo Dr. Dan Hayes with Eric Zimmerman and Connie White), November
- Foundation Award
- Finger Lakes Community College Foundation honors John Parkhurst (photo with Brian Kolb),September
- FLCC Foundation Honors John Parkhurst at 2004 Visiting Scholars Forum (photo), September
- Parkhurst earns Finger Lakes award, September
- Parkhurst honored by FLCC (photo John Parkhurst), August
- Members
- McKinnon, Brian
- 2004 Forty under 40 (photo), November
- Wisor, Joanne M.
- Former Geneva mayor joins FL health board (photo), June
- Woodworth, Lynne
- . . . named president and chief executive officer [of Stone Construction Equipment Inc.,August
- McKinnon, Brian
- Ads to target alcohol abuse, November
- Alcohol screening April 7 at FLCC, April, March
- Campus-Community Coalition
- FLCC coalition members named for school year, January
- College gets anti-drug grant, July
- FLCC group gets involved with 'Smokeout,' November
- Community Colleges get support from Bush, January
- Finance director closing the books [Alan Bubb, involved with construction of FLCC], April
- Presidential Elections
- 'I think everyone is glad it's over,' November
- Professors raised voices in unison - and protest - Ontario County Supervisors and a group of educators were at odds over contract negotiations in 1974, March
- Road expansion was unpopular a century ago, too, February
Honor Societies
- Alpha Beta Gamma
- College achievers named, January
- Joining Alpha Beta Gamma, January
- Phi Theta Kappa
- A cheer to Phi Theta Kappa [for raising $800 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital], May
- A cheer to Phi Theta Kappa [for raising more than$1,000 for Hope Lodge of Rochester],December
- FLCC welcomes community to be part of Phi Theta Kappa's satellite seminar series, October
- FLCC's Phi Theta Kappa inducts new members, December
- Honor society inducts new members at FLCC, May
- Pop culture to be FLCC series' theme, October
- Residents join FLCC honor society, April
- Strike celebration (photo Nikki Gresty) [bowling fund-raiser], May
- Hopewell remains cool to student housing, December
- Hopewell wary of student housing plan, November
- Student housing plan draws fire, November
- Student housing proposed at FLCC, October
- State University of New York and JSTOR offer online journal archive to campus libraries, March
- 'Home for the Holidays' concerts this weekend, December
- ad - A World of Music, May
- ad - Home for the Holidays, December
- Catch the holiday spirit with FLCC concerts, November
- Chorale
- ad - Classic Broadway Medleys, August
- ad - Join FLCC's Finger Lakes Chorale, August, June
- Chorale seeks singers, August
- Chorale to offer two Broadway concerts, August
- Finger Lakes Chorale seeks singers, June
- Finger Lakes Chorale to perform Aug. 21, 22, August
- FLCC chorale sets concerts, August
- From a love of animals to a love of music (photo Mark Daniels), March
- More singers sought for group's concert, February
- Singers sought, January
- The enduring power of Broadway musicals (photos including Dennis Maxfield, Ines Draskovic),August
- College chorale, singers plan concert at school, May
- Concert Band
- 'Celebrate Spring' with Finger Lakes Concert Band (photos Charles Van Buren, Beth Moyer, Lauralee Maas, Rose Copper-Brown, Rick Thompson), April
- 'Christmas Classics' Saturday, December
- 'Rumblings' led to band founding 20 years ago (photo George Barden), June
- ad - Anniversary pops concert, June
- ad - Celebrate Spring, April
- ad - Christmas Classics, December
- ad - Fall reflections, October
- Concert band celebrates fall with Oct. 16 concert, October
- FLCC band to hold anniversary concert June 12, June
- FLCC band to present anniversary concert, May
- FLCC concert, June
- FLCC Finger Lakes Concert Band invites former members to join in June 12 Anniversary Pops concert, May
- FLCC to present spring band performance, April
- FLCC announces musical events for the holidays, November
- Holiday concert at Episcopal Church, December
- Jazz Ensemble
- FLCC Jazz Ensemble to play at Athena Awards dinner, November
- FLCC Jazz Ensemble to play at dinner, November
- Vocal ensembles will explore 'World of Music' (photo Emily Howard), May
- FLCC announces spring 2005 semester registration, December
- FLCC announces spring registration, January
- FLCC begins summer session registration, April
- FLCC Fall registration underway, August
- FLCC Jan Plan, November
- Register for FLCC, August
Salaries and Contracts
- Counties explore forming insurance consortium, December
- Rx for county health costs - county workers may get cheaper coverage by teaming up with neighboring governments, December
- Baseball
- 'Lowden-ball' returns to Finger Lakes, March
- Atlanta Braves tryouts at FLCC, June
- Bats, speed carry FLCC in opener, May
- Camp
- Baseball camp starts June 28, FLCC, July, June
- Baseball camps at Finger Lakes College, February
- FL baseball camp, January
- FLCC hosts baseball camp, July
- FLCC hosts strength clinic, January
- FLCC to host baseball camp, December
- FLCC to host baseball camps, April, February, March
- FLCC to host holiday baseball camp, November
- FLCC to host summer baseball camp, June
- Clinic
- FLCC to host baseball clinic, September
- Erie clips FLCC in rain-shortened tilt, May
- Erie slips past FLCC, May
- Errors doom Cougars, May
- FLCC baseball falls to 0-5 on opening trip, March
- FLCC drops two, May
- FLCC hurler wins twice, May
- FLCC inches above .500, falls back after split, April
- Lakers fall to Catonsville, March
- Lakers split back-to-back doubleheaders, April
- Lakers split pair of double-headers, May
- Lakers split with Lawrenceville, May
- Lakers sweep doubleheader at Clinton CC, May
- Lakers win three in a row, March
- Mohawk Valley takes two from Lakers, April
- Nationally ranked foe takes two from FLCC, March
- Newford helps Lakers rout Niagara, April
- Streaking Lakers win a pair, March
- Basketball
- Camp
- Basketball camp planned, June
- FLCC basketball camp, July
- FLCC girls basketball camp in July, May
- Lady Lakers basketball camp, May
- Clinic
- Basketball coaches' clinic at FLCC, September
- Mens
- Alfred State wins fourth in a row, December
- Cayuga CC basketball teams sweep Finger Lakes CC, January
- FLCC rallies to beat Morrisville, November
- FLCC romps to victory, December
- Furious FLCC rally falls just short, February
- Junior colleges (photo Kenny Davis), November
- Laker men shut down Onondaga, February
- Lakers cruise past Mohawk, November
- Lakers drop a pair, November
- Late Laker rally falls short, January
- OCC edges Lakers in overtime, 86-85, February
- Slow start costs FLCC, January
- Showcase
- FLCC to host hoop showcases, October
- Womens
- Bryant carries Lakers, January
- Bryant leads Lakers, February
- Career high for DiNieri, February
- Cayuga CC basketball teams sweep Finger Lakes CC, January
- Depleted Lady Lakers steamroll Niagara, December
- DiNieri, Dunton lead FLCC women, February
- Fisher record in losing cause (photos Kendra Bryant, Melanie Dunton), February
- FLCC earning respect (photos Andrea DiNieri, Kendra Bryant, Jessica Kania), January
- FLCC hoops - Determined drive (photo Andrea Dinieri), February
- FLCC women earn key win vs. JCC, January
- FLCC women improve to 5-1, November
- FLCC women prevail in Delhi tournament, November
- Herkimer edges Lakers, November
- Junior colleges (photo Christine Princehorn), November
- Kemp builds FLCC women into power, December
- Lady Lakers win twice, November
- Laker women win 10th straight, December
- Lakers fall to Cayuga, February
- Lakers run winning streak to nine, December
- Leasure scores 27 as Lakers keep rolling (photo Danielle Smith), December
- Tenth-ranked Lakers sink TC3, February
- Camp
- Lacrosse
- Camp
- FLCC hosts lacrosse camp, May
- FLCC hosts lacrosse camps, June
- FLCC hosts series of summer lacrosse camps, May
- Clinic
- FLCC plans lacrosse clinic, April
- FLCC summer boys lacrosse clinics, May
- Lacrosse clinic at FLCC, January
- Mens
- Alfred State too much for Lakers, April
- Broome outlasts FLCC men, April
- Delhi holds off FLCC, April
- Elkin, Bolton help Lakers rout Morrisville, April
- FLCC falls by one goal, April
- FLCC men prevail, March
- FLCC offense erupts in win at MVCC, May
- Illegal subsitution (photo Grant Kitchen and Nieko the dog), May
- Lakers fall to Broome (photo Alex Cook), April
- Lakers men's lacrosse has high hopes for 2004 (photo Matt Bolton), March
- Lakers open with two wins, April
- No. 4 Monroe lacrosse beats FLCC, April
- OCC men rout Lakers, April
- Tournament
- FLCC hosting HS-level lax tourney, February
- Womens
- Cayuga women take Mid-State conference title, May
- FLCC to host national women's lax championship, May
- FLCC to host women's lacrosse championship, May
- FLCC women's team falls, April
- Hoose leads FLCC to victory, April
- It's official: Catonsville a Champion (photos) [NJCAA championship held at FLCC], July
- Jefferson edges FLCC, April
- Camp
- Soccer
- Mens
- Clinton gets past FLCC, September
- Jamestown handles Lakers, October
- Lakers battle back to salvage tie, October
- Lakers fall to top-ranked Herkimer, September
- Lakers lose to Alfred 4-1, September
- Letter to the editor - Niagara team set poor example by Aaron Wild, October
- Smith saves Lakers tie, September
- Soccer showcase is slated, July, June
- Womens
- Alfred State downs FLCC, 4-3 in OT, October
- Corning edges FLCC women in OT, September
- FLCC loses on the road, September
- FLCC women fall to Herkimer, October
- GCC gets past Lakers, October
- Lady Lakers near the .500 mark, October
- Lakers get first victory, September
- Lakers lose at home, October
- Lakers lose season finale in OT, October
- Lakers take a tie, September
- Niagara routs Lady Lakers, October
- Mens
- Softball
- Camp
- FLCC hosts softball clinic, January
- CCC rebounds with sweep in home opener (photo Judi Stanton), April
- GCC splits a twinbill vs. FLCC, May
- Lakers split with Canton, May
- NCCC softball splits two games, May
- NCCC softball splits with Finger Lakes, April
- Camp
- Woodsmen's Team
- Area woodsmen contribute to success at FLCC (photos James Todd, Kate Hilfiker), December
- Finger Lakes Men regain woodsmen's championship by a narrow margin (photo John Hunt), May
- FLCC men, women capture Spring meet (photo John Rentschler, Matt Hass, Andy Clement, Greg Coyqut, Joe Morse, Daryl Swiernik), May
- FLCC men, women place second (photo Greg Coyqut, John Rentschler), October
- FLCC timber sports toils in Fleming competition, December
- FLCC woodsmen capture third place (photo Matt Hass, Daryl Swiernik), April
- Folk art guild - East Hill Farm's annual open house is Oct. 2-3, September
- Lumberjacks - Nature center hosts woodsmen teams Oct. 9-10, September
- Porter triumphs in sudden-death throw-off (photo Andrea Porter), November
- Students succeed in woodsmen season (photo Mike Ottley), January
- Awards
- Awards given to FLCC students, August
- FLCC announces recipients of new top 10% scholarship program [Michelle Everett, Erica Dunton, Nicholas Knopf, Casey Henderson, Ryan Bartlett, Laura Frasca, Heather-Lyn Good], August, July
- FLCC awards scholarships, July
- FLCC names 7 area scholars [Michelle Everett, Erica Dunton, Heather-Lyn Good, Nicholas Knopf, Casey Henderson, Ryan Bartlett, Laura Frasca], June
- FLCC presents scholarships, awards to many, June
- Benefits and Charities
- Book drive under way, January
- Campus revival (photo Melissa Woodward, Luke Inglese), September
- Campus-Community Coalition
- $86,803 for countywide youth program, November
- Deadline today to join FLCC coalition, September
- FLCC announces new Coalition members, November
- FLCC award will help fight substance abuse, November
- FLCC campus-community coalition announces new members, November
- FLCC Coalition announces new members, December
- FLCC group seeks members, September
- FLCC receives award to support anti-substance-abuse efforts, November
- From the back of a truck to head of the class (photo Fred Sarkis), November
- Grant will help fund mentoring program, November
- Clubs
- College Democrats
- 'Freaky Tuesday' fund-raiser (photos Dr. Dan Hayes, Jae-Marie Babb, Michelle Spencer, Jude Thines), November
- Democrats at Finger Lakes Community College are getting out the vote, February
- How to get into politics (photo Amo Houghton), May
- Job swapping (photos Dr. Dan Hayes, Dr. Tom Topping, Carol Urbaitis, Grace Loomis, Jae-Marie Babb, Dick Reese, Jude Thines, Michelle Spencer, Mark McClure), November
- Politics on rise on campus, February
- Finger Lakes Environmental Action Club
- Dems gear up for Super Tuesday, March
- FLCC students assemble a unique memorial [to victims of Iraq war] (photo including Heather Nihart, Nash Bock, Megan Salamendra), October
- FLCC students help environmentalist [Anne LaBastille], July
- FLCC students to help restore a Lake in Guatemala, May
- Java sales benefit lake (photo Alison Nihart, Elaine Wilkinson, Heather Nihart), February
- Memorial event Tuesday at FLCC [for victims of Iraq war], October
- Students take interest in lake in Guatemala, June
- Music, poetry at Bristol Valley, May
- Nursing Club
- Many Santas helped ARC wrapping booth, January
- Students for Tolerance and Respect (STAR)
- 'Freaky Tuesday' fund-raiser (photos Dr. Dan Hayes, Jae-Marie Babb, Michelle Spencer, Jude Thines), November
- Job swapping (photos Dr. Dan Hayes, Dr. Tom Topping, Carol Urbaitis, Grace Loomis, Jae-Marie Babb, Dick Reese, Jude Thines, Michelle Spencer, Mark McClure), November
- Students in free enterprise [SIFE]
- Schumer visits Keuka College (photo), May
- Theatre Club
- Bachelorette Auction (photos Lindsay Zaroogian, Dorthea Sterling, Curtis Grover), March
- College Democrats
- Finances
- Teens learn dangers of plastic trap (photo Gregory Siebert), April
- Students
- Adler, Amanda
- To college (photo), June
- Alaimo, Jesse
- Kiwanis presents scholarships, September
- Arndt, Steve
- To college (photo), June
- Babcock, Kimberly
- 7 area students get academic honor, May
- Babcock, Sandy
- Students study village's personality (photos Waterloo), January
- Waterloo okays RV parking, January
- Beechler, Jason
- Wyoming County students awarded scholarships, October
- Wyoming County students awarded scholarships from the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, September
- Belonga, Sarah
- NCS athlete of the week (photo), March
- Bharath, Daniella
- College mum on trapped trustee, May
- FLCC student trapped in Canada (photo), May
- Bilinski, Mike
- 'Make sure you're doing what's important to you,' June
- Bissell, Kathryn
- Legion auxiliary awards scholarships to seniors (photo), June
- Bloss, Sally
- A Marauder senior athlete (photo), July
- Boda, Amber
- Rotary honors Students of Month (photo), July
- Bryant, James
- Super Tuesday for Kerry, March
- Buell, Tracy
- Senior profiles (photo), August
- Burke, Kelly
- Senior profiles (photo), August
- Butler, Ashley
- To college (photo), June
- Charlebois, Theresa
- Charlebois attends honors institute (photo), July
- Ciardi, Samantha
- Ciardi on FLCC dean's list (photo), March
- Clingerman, John
- Village board hears Fire Dept. complaints, deals with dangerous Newark intersection, January
- Colf, Kelly
- Colf-Canne (photo), January
- Collins, Evey
- Students study village's personality (photos Waterloo), January
- Congdon, Sean
- Congdon receives Scholar with Honor Award, December
- Cotter, Jennifer
- Wayland-Cohocton releases Top Ten seniors, June
- Cox, Anna
- FLCC student receives All-American Award (photo), May
- Craig, Joshua
- To college (photo), July
- Crawford, R.J.
- Crawford all-conference, June
- Crosby, Alenna
- Crosby/Loucks (photo), April
- Curtin, Michael
- The boy who escaped a noisy hell (photo), July
- Czaplak, William J.
- To college (photo), July
- Davis, Daniel J.
- Dean's List, February
- Davis, Zachary
- Zachary Davis Brighton High Finger Lakes CC, June
- Davoli, Michael
- To college (photo), May
- Deane, Thomas
- To college (photo), July
- Dibble, Aaron M.
- Senior post High School plans, June
- Dickinson, Tim
- A Marauder Senior Athlete (photo), June
- DiCostanzo, Thomas
- To college (photo), July
- Domingo, Jessica
- Second chances - hundreds of people make up for lack of diploma by getting GEDs (photo),November
- Ernhout, Chelsea
- Proposed law would raise legal smoking age to 19, June
- Ferrara, Stefania M.
- Dean's list, January
- Freling, Kaitlyn
- Quilt of memories (photo), August
- Garrow, Katelyn
- To college (photo), July
- Gascoigne, Amanda
- Park on South Main gets $50,000 (photo), October
- Gee, Nicole S.
- To college (photo), June
- Gerhart, Matt
- Swimmer profiles (photo), January
- Gibbs, Shannon E.
- Dundee Central seniors announce plans for future (photo), July
- Gibbs to college, July
- Good, Heather-Lyn
- Rotary honors Students of Month (photo), July
- Gorall, Holly
- We see forest and trees, August
- Gray, Bryan M.
- Union announces scholarship recipients, July
- Grosse, Nathan
- Keshequa Central lists Top Ten seniors, June
- Guererri, Heather
- Engaged (photo), September
- Hall, Joshua R.
- Hall enrolls at SUNY Brockport, March
- Hample, Randy
- . . . was honored with acting award, January
- Hance, Michael
- 26 students here win SUNY award, May
- College achievers, June
- FLCC students honored (photo), June
- Harvey, Shawn
- To college, July
- Henshaw, Adam
- 'More like a family than a school' - Canandaigua Academy's Possibilities Center gives students with learning disabilities a second shot at an education, July
- Horton, Troy
- Not-so-cheaper by the quad - Neward couple expecting four babies (photo), January
- Hyjek, Ashley
- Park on South Main gets $50,000 (photo), October
- Iannopollo, Rocco A.
- To college (photo), February
- Johnson, Rachael
- Waterloo home almost ready - Sound effects will be feature of M'Clintock tours (photos),May
- Kaczan, Shirley
- Racino draws in thousands (photo), March
- Koronas, Pete
- Congratulations Pete Koronas [baseball], May
- FLCC's Koronas named Player of the Year (photo), June
- LaBarron, Bryan
- . . . is currently attending Finger Lakes Community College, February
- LaBarron, Mary
- . . . is currently attending Finger Lakes Community College, February
- Landschoot, Kathy
- Have you met . . . (photo), October
- Lennox, Donnie
- Northern breezes, October
- Lightfoote, Kevin
- Engaged (photo), March
- Lootens, Nicole
- To college (photo), July
- MacDonald, Juliana
- MacDonald on FLCC dean's list, April
- MacNabb, Melissa
- MacNabb-Fiorentino (photo), February
- Marshall, Brian
- Transfer to RIT (photo), February
- Martin, Nathan D.
- To college (photo), July
- Mattei, Exzavier
- FLCC student gets sheriff's scholarship (photo), June
- FLCC student receives NYS Sheriff's Association Scholarship (photo with Paul Phillips, Philip Povero, Daniel T. Hayes), June
- FLCC student receives sheriff's scholarship, June
- Student receives award (photo), July
- Mattison, Sarah
- Letter to the editor - Don't second-guess the referees, October
- Miller, Patricia
- 26 students here win SUNY award, May
- FLCC students honored (photo), June
- Minns, Roxane
- Engaged (photo), November
- Moody, William
- To college (photo), August
- Moomaw, Jed
- Conroy/Moomaw (photo), April
- Moon, Mary
- 7 area students get academic honor, May
- Moore, Amanda S.
- Student joins honor society at FLCC, November
- Murray, Victoria
- To college (photo), June
- Nielsen, Ashley
- Nielsen receives GED and plans for college (photo), February
- Nussbaumer, Miranda
- Nussbaumer going to Disney World, January
- O'Brien, Sarah
- O'Brien sisters earn dean's lists, July
- O'Donnell, Meaghan
- Rotary honors Students of Month (photo), July
- Oakes, Nathan
- County Museum program celebrates it's Steinway piano (photo), February
- Pacheco, Jeremy
- Pacheco recognized for Hispanic honor (photo), January
- Pacheco wins Hispanic award, January
- Paolicelli, Justin
- Arborist student gets some green (photo), May
- Pelych, Michael
- Area Achievers, May
- Pereira, Liliane
- Penn Yan woman receives student award, May
- Piergrosso, Desmond
- To college (photo), June
- Rivet, Nicole
- Daily Messenger Bowlers of the Year (photo), April
- Rockcastle, Logan
- Hop on board, February
- Rogers, Jared
- Rotary honors Students of Month (photo), July
- Santee, Michael Jr.
- Santee achieves rank of Eagle Scout (photo), September
- Schneider, William
- Leading by example - JA Awards scholarships to WNY Youth (photo), September
- Scialdone, Erica
- Waterloo home almost ready - Sound effects will be feature of M'Clintock tours (photos),May
- Seigferd, Kelly
- Hunting for an answer - The origins of the traditional Easter egg hunt are shrouded in mystery, April
- Selner, Billy
- Saving lives - and having fun (photo), July
- Seward, Eddie
- . . . was awarded the first conservation biology internship at the Seneca Park Zoo, January
- Shamy, Andrew
- To college (photo), June
- Singleton, Joseph John
- To college (photo), July
- Slater, Tracey
- Slater/Herrick (photo), March
- Smith, Amy
- Park on South Main gets $50,000 (photo), October
- Sortore, Jennifer
- Youth of the week award (photo), May
- Starkey, Candy Lynn
- Phi Theta Kappa chapter inducts Starkey, November
- Strickland, Benjamin
- A Marauder Senior Athlete (photo), April
- Taylor, Elisha
- 26 students here win SUNY award, May
- Elisha Taylor earns SUNY Chancellor's Award, May
- FLCC students honored (photo), June
- Tiballi, Daniel
- To college (photo), July
- Tomion, Kevin
- Local students receive scholarships, May
- Valentino, Michael B.
- To college (photo), August
- Ventura, Anthony
- Dean's List, February
- Vickers, Bryan
- Vickers sets new record (photo), June
- Walker, Kara
- Bradford Central School (photo), June
- Waters, Michael
- . . . named 2004 salutatorian (photo), July
- Webb, Holly
- At College (photo), September
- To college, August
- Weber, Hilary
- A Marauder senior athlete (photo), July
- Weise, Michael
- Union announces scholarship recipients, July
- Welch, Peter
- Rotary awards Service Above Self scholarship to Peter Welch (photo with Brenda Keith and George Walther), August
- Wharity, Jason
- Canandaigua F.D. honors Wharity, Gibeau (photo), March
- Wheeler, Noel
- "Let's Talk" A communication conference for teens and adults, January
- Wilkinson, Elaine
- Red, white and boo-hoo-hoo, November
- Williams, Cynthia
- Cynthia Williams named to national dean's list, November
- Wilson, Abby
- Her brother, her coach (photo with brother Matt), July
- Wooden, Cara
- To college (photo), May
- Young, Jason
- Engaged (photo), May
- Yuhas, Daniel
- Yuhas to attend FLCC (photo), June
- Zielinski, Brian
- Wyoming County students awarded scholarships, October
- Zimmerman, Kelley
- Local student receives scholarship check (photo), February
- Adler, Amanda
- Volunteer Center
- Becoming part of the community, April
- FLCC establishes volunteer center, February
- Service fairs this week at new FLCC info center, February
- 2-year colleges reach agreement [with Houghton College], July
- Community colleges statewide hike tuition, August
- Finger Lakes Community college still an excellent bargain, July
- FLCC board approves tuition hike, June
- FLCC eyes 3.7 percent tuition hike, August
- FLCC plans slight tuition hike for 2004-05 school year, June
- FLCC tuition - college announces a modest increase, July
- FLCC tuition may go up, May
- MCC, FLCC likely to raise tuition, June
- Most community colleges reportedly raising tuition, July
- With higher education come higher costs, September