Select Year
1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004
- 1997 WYLF better living show, March
- Ads
- A framework for success starts at FLCC this Fall!, August, July
- Adult student information program, April, December, May, November
- Career Transitions, March, October
- Choosing college, December
- FLCC - the right place to start!, September
- Framework for success, August
- GED on TV, January
- Home from college?, June, May
- Imagine the possibilities - register for Spring '97, January
- Improve your english skills, August
- It's never too late to earn a high school diploma, August, January
- Jan Plan, December
- Ready for college?, June
- Results . . . (photos Dana M. Champlin, Micheal Sabin), July
- Results . . . (photos Maureen Pfysrom, Andrea Hotelling), April, May
- Results . . . (photos Shanyn A. Schaffer, Paul Durgan), April, March
- Results . . . (photos Tony Camillo, Laurie McKnight), August, July
- Results . . . Education/Training, September
- Serving the Finger Lakes region for 30 years, November
- Spring '98, December
- The time is now to register for the A.A.S. paralegal degree, April
- Urgent memo - scholarship money, May
- Vineyard worker training, March
- Your future @ FLCC, May
- Adult Students
- Adult student information at FLCC, May
- Adult student program planned, June
- Career transitions workshop Oct. 23, October
- FLCC adult student information program, April
- FLCC hosts adult student information program, March
- FLCC to host adult information program, November
- Seminar to help adults considering college, December
- Area colleges, May
- Business wise - Finger Lakes Community College, March
- Career transitions workshop, September
- Choosing college?, December
- Choosing the right college - Suzie Hockenberry (photo), January
- College deadlines loom, December
- College town: higher education, March
- Colleges and Universities ranked by full-time enrollment, November
- FLCC academic preview days in April, March
- FLCC focus: quality teaching, learning, March
- FLCC has new application for admission, April
- FLCC offers new application, March
- FLCC return-to-school workshop, January
- FLCC schedules workshop on changing careers, March
- FLCC sets career transition workshop, July
- FLCC to host academic preview days for high school juniors and seniors, March
- FLCC to offer workshop on career transition, August
- Going to college with a learning problem, March
- Imagine the possibilities, January
- Learning about career transitions, April
- Return to college exploration workshop, August
- What college's provide services for LD students?, March
Advisory Committees
- Nursing
- Andrews named nursing governors board member (photo Dr. Margaret M. Andrews), December
- Vocational Education
- FLCC has announced the three-year appointments of Jessica Guthrie and Michael Petrus to the College's Vocational Education Advisory Committee., May
- Two join FLCC advisory panel [Jessica Guthrie, Michael Petrus], June
- Year-end celebration for WEP (photo Mike Petrus), June
- Abbott, Carrie Hutchinson
- Abbott graduates Roberts Wesleyan (photo), August
- Adams, Susan Jean
- Adams-Kirkwood, March
- Adams-Kirkwood (photo), July
- Adler, Harry
- A look at the five candidates for Steuben County Sheriff (photo), March
- Adriaansen, Brian
- Marion grad weds at 2nd Reformed (photo), November
- Akins, Carrie Ann
- Akins, Hunn (photo), January
- Allen, Milton
- College degree caps his other victories, June
- Getting a new life - 35-year-old FLCC graduate earned his degree the hard way, July
- Ames, Elizabeth J.
- Ames-Clearman (photo), January
- Anderson, Patricia Lynn
- . . . earned a bachelor's degree, December
- Ayers, Ron B.
- Lucas-Ayers, September
- Baer, Karen W.
- Human rights leader hired (photo), February
- Bailey, Khristopher
- Musclow-Bailey (photo), November
- Balch, Kimberley A.
- Married (photo), November
- Barber, June
- Balance of power at stake in Wayland election (photo), March
- Bartran, Lisa
- Bartran receives achievement medal, October
- Baumgardt, Heather
- Newsmakers (photo), January
- Beach, Kristen
- College graduate (photo), September
- Bedford, Deanna
- Bedford-Kuchey (photo), February
- Beniamino, Sally
- Engagement told (photo), March
- Benjamin, BeLinda Lee
- Benjamin, Bacher (photo), June
- Benjamin-Bacher, April
- Bennett, Greg D.
- DeNard-Bennett (photo), January
- Best, Chad R.
- Best graduates police academy (photo), November
- Bickel, Charles E. III
- Miller-Bickel (photo), August
- Bilancini, Katherine
- Local residents transfer to SUNY Oswego, August
- Bird, Shirley E.
- Bird-Brown (photo), January
- Bogart, James G.
- Engaged (photo), December
- Bondgren, Heather L.
- Bondgren & Argentieri (photo), December
- Boudinot, Andy
- Jennifer Melens weds Andrew Boudinot (photo), January
- Bounds, Barbara J.
- 1997 Athena award nominees (photo), October
- Bowker, Marsha
- Arcadia GOP picks candidates, June
- Bradshaw, Brian W.
- Bradshaw is in Air Force, January
- Bremer, Gretchen F.
- Bremer accepted at SUNY Brockport, May
- Brown, Judith
- College graduate, February
- Bruen, Josh
- Engaged (photo), November
- Hannacker-Bruen (photo), December
- Bryant, Michael S.
- O'Brien-Bryant (photo), October
- Bueso, Jorge
- Engagement announced (photo), October
- Buisch, Jeanna
- Wells college grad, July
- Bunn, Jeanette
- Care center appoints receptionist (photo), October
- Burgess, Lester
- Burgess named director of year, January
- Burgess named ITT Corp's 1996 Director of the Year, February
- Burke, Maralee
- Burke, Taft (photo), May
- Burke-Taft (photo), April, November
- Cady, Brenda
- Cady-Capozzi (photo), April, May
- Camblin, Peter J.
- Engaged (photo), September
- Campbell, Trina M.
- Campbell-Semans (photo), October
- Castellini, Margaret Kay
- Engaged (photo), April
- Catalano, Melissa
- . . . named as the new child care services director at the Greater Canandaigua Family YMCA,November
- Chapman, Chris
- Have you met . . . (photo), August
- Chrisman, Sandra Renee
- Chrisman-Brahm (photo), September
- Christensen, Kay E.
- Geneva regional health system employee promoted, March
- Hospital names outreach coordinator, February
- Clement, David
- Rogers-Clement marry (photo), November
- Close, Dawn Marie
- Married (photo), November
- Clune, Deborah
- 1997 Athena award nominees (photo), October
- Clyde, Stephen
- Four vie for two Clifton Springs board seats (photo), March
- Cochrane, Michael
- DeWaard and Cochrane wed (photo), June
- DeWaard, Cochrane marry (photo), July
- Coleman, Jamie
- FLCC grad gets scholarship, July
- Congdon, Colleen
- Woodsmen, November
- Cooley, Rich
- That sweet Denver dream (photo), December
- Corey, Debra
- Corey-Craig, January
- Cornell, Lona
- Campus news, March
- Craig-Kuhn, Jordan
- Thanks to 'Hello, Dolly,' a young man from Potter is having fun with music (photo with Nels Carr, Mark Toor, Don Miller), August
- Cripps, Robert F.
- Gale-Cripps (photo), December
- Crowell, Jessie
- "Perseverance - The Will to Succeed" (photo), October
- Crowley, Helen A. Baroody
- obituary, October
- Crowley, Laurie
- Crowley-Thompson, September
- Cutri, Sue
- 1997 Athena award nominees (photo), October
- D'Amico, Carrie Ann
- . . . recently enrolled at Western Maryland College, October
- Graduated (photo), August
- Davis, Scott T.
- Engaged (photo), January
- DeSain, Doreen
- Six honored for excellence in teaching, March
- DeYulio, Dino A.
- Engaged (photo), March
- Domm, Tiffany L.
- Domm-Elwell (photo), March, October, September
- Drake, Bonnie
- Two seek Canadice town clerk post (photo), October
- Eddinger, James W.
- Engaged (photo), August
- Eldredge, Chester
- Marianacci-Eldredge (photo), October
- Ellis, Julie L.
- Married (photo), March
- Evanicki, Jeanine M.
- Evanicki-Cratsley (photo), December
- Faben, Thomas R.
- Campo-Faben (photo), January
- Fairchild, Jeanne
- Fairchild-Brosch (photo), May
- Fallo, Shawn
- Keuka college students complete field period activities, March
- Fiero, Lawrence E. II
- Empson-Fiero, May
- Empson-Fiero married in September, April
- Fingar, Marlene
- Marlene Fingar new control manager (photo), January
- Fitzgerald, Todd M.
- Cutt-Fitzgerald (photo), May
- Francis, Susan
- Francis-Townsend (photo), September
- Fratto, Carmen
- Frattos celebrate 25th anniversary (photo), January
- Gaffga, Tracey Lynne
- Gaffga-Natale (photo), May
- Gajan, Steve
- Eastman Kodak has hired . . ., July
- Gallup, Wallace A.
- Guest essay - How will our descendants view our wasteful ways? (photo), July
- Ganoung, Daniel
- Ganoung achieves 4.0 and dean's list, September
- Gardner, Kathy Kutniewski
- News about graduates of Palmyra-Macedon Central High School, December
- Geer, Earl F. IV
- Duel-Geer (photo), September
- Glover, Kenneth "Tiny"
- Comix Cafe, November
- Gotham, David
- Meet David Gotham (photo), December
- Grace, David
- Four vie for three legislative seats (photo), October
- Grau, Kandace
- Soprano sings at service, August
- Green, Robert Jr.
- Veteran law officer set to retire (photo), December
- Griffith, Nora
- Zbick-Griffith (photo), December, November
- Guerin, Tamara Annette
- Engaged (photo), July
- Guerrieri, Michelle L.
- To college, August
- Gulick, Craig
- Westbrooke-Gulick (photo), October
- Hallstead, Dudley
- Ketcham-Hallstead (photo), October
- Hand, Timothy J.
- Graham-Hand (photo), October
- Hay, Tina
- Married (photo), August
- Heinrich, Jonathan
- obituary, October
- Heinzman, Deborah L.
- Heinzman-Turner [Tyler D. Turner also alum] (photo), January
- Heller, Matthew D.
- Academic achievers (photo), November
- Alfred patrol officer gets new wheels (photo), October
- Henehan, Christine Gilbert
- District grads to be lauded (photo), June
- Henry, Robert W.
- obituary, December
- Houghtaling, Jeremy P.
- Hillman & Houghtaling (photo), August
- Ingram, Jim
- Hillcrest Horticultural notes anniversary, October
- Jensen, Laurie
- Farrell to marry Jensen (photo), July
- Jewett, David
- FLCC alum featured in national magazine (photo), April
- Lumberjack Christmas in Pittsford, December
- Johnson, Carmen Marie
- Johnson-Goatseay (photo), November
- Johnson, Michelle L.
- Michelle L. Johnson receives associates degree (photo), June
- Jolly, Yvonne
- Nurse practitioners join Canandaigua group (photo), September
- Jordan, Shannon C.
- Oswego State student, December
- Jordan, Timothy J.
- Married (photo), November
- Nicole M. Smith and Timothy J. Jordan (photo), December
- Joslyn, Laura
- Barre mom bags two deer in single day (photo), December
- Kelley, Kenneth Robert
- Engaged (photo), March
- Ketcham, Diane E.
- obituary, October
- Ketchner, Chad W.
- Crowell-Ketchner (photo), February
- Kime, Robert J.
- Engaged (photo), September
- Kinney, Darlene
- Kinney-Lambert (photo), September
- Kirkwood, Nora J.
- Kirkwood-Knaak (photo), December
- Knapton, Angela
- Knapton and Stape to wed (photo), May
- Konz, Samuel
- . . . named to dean's list, February
- Kuzia, Adam
- FHS grad starts local theater company (photo), April
- LaClair, Sharron
- Women in law enforcement (photo), October
- Lang, Kelly
- Engaged (photo), November
- Lang-Bloom [Bradley Bloom also alum] (photo), October
- Laucht, Audrey
- Geneseo people, April
- Lavery, Christopher
- Exhibition opening slated at gallery, October
- Lee, Laura
- Tried and true for the down and out - New consignment, book shops targets those who've been abused (photo), August
- Lehman, Kelly C.
- Married (photo), December
- Lewis, Juli
- A survivor offers thanks for support, May
- Linehan, Coleen M.
- Linehan-Hearn (photo), August
- Livermore, Lori
- Livermore-Cooley (photo), December, November
- Loncz, John
- Lonacz named cross country coach, July
- Loveless, Melinda
- Married (photo), December
- Lucas, Paul M.
- Lucas enrolled for fall at RIT, April
- Lyons, Eron
- News about graduates of Palmyra-Macedon Central High School, December
- Lyons, Russell
- Russell Lyons at Fisher, May
- Maher, Marni J.
- Engaged (photo), October
- Mallaber, Carrie Shane
- Mallaber-Veatch (photo), July
- Manahan, Patrick C.
- Drewno-Manahan (photo), October
- Drewno-Manahan wed (photo), September
- Martino, Diana
- Martino nets four goals, October
- Mason, Jeffrey W.
- Deegan-Mason (photo), December, July
- Masters, Mike
- Eastman Kodak has hired . . ., July
- McComb, Kelly
- College graduate (photo), August
- McCormick, Jacqueline
- Geneva native joins Wayne County DA team (photo), April
- McCumiskey, Scott
- Five seek three LeRoy school seats (photo), May
- Michalski, Edward J.
- Town of Evan Superintendant of Highways (photo), October
- Milliman, Jane
- Meet resident green thumb, Jane Milliman (photo), June
- Mills, Jody
- . . . received the schools annual outstanding Horticulture alumni achievement award, August
- Mitchell-Deporter, Kerri
- Counselor joins Substance Abuse Services staff (photo), March
- Moyer, Donna
- Moyer new S&S vice-president (photo), March
- Neary, Elizabeth Ann (Gleason)
- obituary, May
- Netti, Gregory Thomas
- Rusho/Netti (photo), December
- Newton, Christopher
- Maurer-Newton (photo), March
- Nicholson, June
- Canandaigua woman dies on mission, June
- obituary, June
- Nier, Jeanette Lynn
- Vows exchanged at St. Michael Church (photo), December
- Nohe, Thomas
- Hathorn and Nohe to attend RIT, May
- Odachowski, Brian K.
- Married (photo), December
- Osgood, Janet
- Osgood joins Century 21 (photo), January
- Ottley, Steven R.
- Ottleys graduate from college, October
- Parker, Eleanor
- Four vie for three legislative seats (photo), October
- Pearce, Michelle R.
- Pearce-Middlebrook (photo), October
- Peck, Joan
- FLCC alumna Joan Peck receives statewide award, May
- FLCC alumna receives award, June
- Perry, Sheldon M.
- To college, January
- Picchi, Brian J.
- Paradise-Picchi (photo), February
- Pickering, Cathleen
- Pickering-D'Arduini (photo), December
- Pierce, Jill Michelle
- Pierce-Habberfield (photo), March
- Pierce, Kristie
- Kristie Pierce and Matthew Elliott plan to marry in November, October
- Povero, Philip
- FLCC Foundation to honor Ontario County Sheriff, Philip Povero (photo), April
- Pratt, Daniel J.
- Smith-Pratt, October
- Smiths announce engagement of daughter to Pratt, November
- Prescott, Joanna M. DeSalvo
- obituary, January
- Proper, Chad J.
- College graduate, December
- Raeman, Mary
- Three join Savings Bank staff, May
- Raes, Melissa J.
- Engaged (photo), October
- Rayfield, Rob
- FLCC grad new art director, May
- Named art director at Syracuse firm, May
- Rayfield joins the Paige/Smith Group, March
- Reisdorf, Kristen
- Reisdorf-Mansfield (photo), May
- Reish, Angela
- Reish-Cooper (photo), May
- Reynolds, Sara M.
- Eastman Kodak has hired . . ., July
- To college, May
- Rider, Michelle
- Michelle Rider honored with caregiver award (photo), July
- Rieger, Joseph
- Rieger assigned to community service (photo), April
- Robarge, Andrea
- Woodsmen, November
- Sammons, Gregory S.
- . . . has been named campus public safety officer at Alfred State College (photo), October
- Business achievers (photo), October
- Sawtelle, Tom
- Sawtelle appointed Lyons building inspector (photo), October
- Schubmehl, Brian
- A natural winner (photo), June
- Way-Co grad signs with Brewers, June
- Wayland pitcher adjusts to life as a pro, June
- Scott, Glenn
- VA patient wins award for artwork (photo), July
- Shanks, Susan M.
- RIT degree for Shanks, May
- Sinack, Beth
- Couple will marry (photo), May
- Sirianni, Donald J.
- Sirianni-Stephens (photo), March
- Smith, Jennifer
- Travel service promotes Smith, April
- Smith, Sheryl L.
- Smith receives FLCC degree (photo), October
- Snyder, Craig
- New band, veteran musicians (photo), June
- Sombathy, Kristine
- Engagement announced (photo), April
- Spina, Tammy-Jo
- Engaged (photo), August
- Spink, Sarah J.
- Mark and Sarah Spink Miller (photo), July
- St. Denis, Jennifer Lynn
- St. Denis-Ayers (photo), May
- Weddings (photo), May
- Staniszewski, Edward J.
- Engaged (photo), December
- Stayer, James P.
- Tammy M. Crawford recites vows with James P. Stayer (photo), May
- Stetler, Jennifer
- Stetler-Bentley [Timothy Bentley also alum] (photo), December
- Storie, David W.
- Rudat-Storie (photo), November
- Stryker, Cara
- Stryker and Schlappi wed (photo), June
- Stryker-Schlappi (photo), July
- Szczypinski, Laura
- Have you met . . . (photo), November
- Talty, Jill
- Jill Talty joins honor society, May
- Tatro, Christopher J.
- To attend Brockport (photo), March
- Tewksbury, Julie A.
- Tewksbury-Brown (photo) [Christopher C. Brown also alum], March
- Thomas, Deanna
- Thomas-Jones (photo), October
- Travis, Lisa A.
- Travis-Bishop marry (photo), December
- Trickler, Amy
- Dean's list, March
- Tubbs, Jeremiah
- Tubbs to attend Buffalo state college (photo), July
- Twohig, Scott
- Jennifer Fleming and Scott Twohig (photo), February
- Ulmer, Bobbi
- ad - We're ready for you, May
- Van Demortel, Michael K.
- Van Demortel joins probation office, October
- Van Orman, Isabelle
- Married (photo), November
- VanAuker, Daniel M.
- Married (photo), November
- VanDongen, Roger
- Montagnino-VanDongen (photo), August
- VanGee, Christine
- VanGee places second overall, September
- VanLone, David K.
- Powell-VanLone (photo), July
- Veley, Vessa
- Vessa Veley is engaged to marry Scott Fisher (photo), April
- Von Hagn, Todd
- Married (photo), April
- Vose, Casey J.
- Graduated, September
- Wager, Bonnie L.
- . . . graduated with high honors, July
- Warner, Deborah
- . . . appointed as case management coordinator, November
- Weaver, Andrew J.
- VanParys-Weaver (photo), July
- Weissand, Patrick R.
- Engaged (photo), May
- Wellman, Bill
- Married (photo), April
- Wertz-Wellman (photo), March
- Wertz-Wellman wedding announcement (photo), February
- Wells, Diana L.
- Wells-Jason (photo), August
- Westbrooke, Craig
- Pal-Mac grad marries in South Carolina (photo), September
- White, Amy
- White-Clark (photo), March
- Whitney, William
- Seager-Whitney (photo), January
- Wilfeard, Kathleen I.
- Wilfeard-Metcalf (photo), February
- Wollschleger, Mark
- Wedding (photo), October, September
- Woznick, Jason M.
- Boone-Woznick (photo), May
- Wright, Justin
- Justin Wright completes basic training (photo), October
- Wright finishes apprentice's course, November
- Wright's law enforcement training, November
- Wright, Tina C.
- Wright-Salisbury (photo), January
- Yancey, Francine R.
- . . . named to dean's list, July
- Years, John M.
- Shields-Years, September
- Yentzer, Cheryl A.
- Yentzer-Washburn engaged (photo), September
- Youngs, Richard S.
- Engaged (photo), January
- Webster-Youngs (photo), March
Alumni Association
- Chemical Dependency
- Chemical dependency counseling program at FLCC forms alumni association, September
- FLCC alumni group officers, October
- Alaimo, Diane
- (photo), November
- To perform, November
- Comedians to perform at FLCC [Tom Cutter, Marc Moran], September
- Dr. Bengali
- Hypnotist at FLCC, December
- Exhibits
- Andreas, Donny
- Different perspectives (photo of artwork), January
- Show by Seneca Falls artist at FLCC, January
- Art show features teachers [Lyons Gallery], November
- Brooks, Jay
- 'The Yield Sign' (photo artwork), April
- FLCC Gallery 34 show to open, March
- Lecture by artist Jay Brooks scheduled, April
- Summer corn (photo artwork), April
- Madsen, Viggo Holm
- (photo artwork), November
- FLCC's gallery 34 to display prints by Viggo Holm Madsen, October
- O'Brien, Mary Pat
- Art exhibit reception delayed, October
- Artist series at FLCC Oct 3-31, September
- Friday art opening, September
- The art of the matter (photo of artwork), October
- Sardisco, Karen
- Gallery 34 art exhibit, March
- Karen Sardisco art is slated at FLCC, February
- Verhe, Arnold
- (photo artwork), December
- Artist's work goes on display, December
- Andreas, Donny
- Louise, Kerri
- Comedian Kerri Louise to perform at FLCC, November
- Comedian to perform at Stage 13 (photo), December
- Moran, Marc
- Comedian to perform at FLCC's Stage 13 (photo), October
- Marc Moran, October
- Morris, Vince
- Comedian to perform at FLCC, October
- Comedian Vince Morris heads for FLCC (photo), October
- O'Shea, Eric
- Comedian to perform at FLCC, October
- Paravonian, Rob
- Comedian Rob Paravonian to perform at FLCC, November
- To appear (photo), December
- Rick Recht Band
- To perform, November
- Singing Boys of Pennsylvania
- Concert at FLCC (photo), November
- To perform, November
- Spring Arts Festival
- ad, May
- FLCC holds annual spring arts festival, April
- FLCC spring arts festival to begin, May
- Testify
- FLCC presents Christian music group, October
Benefits and Charities
- 4-H
- 4 FLCC students volunteer [Crystal Butterfield], December
- Angel Tree
- FLCC fraternity needs Angel Tree gifts Monday, December
- FLCC students attend conference [Milton Allen, Samantha David, Suizette Bombard], July
- Habitat for Humanity
- 4 FLCC students volunteer [Adam Demianenko, Debbie Martz, Mary Blaisdell], December
- Jean Mitchell Memorial Race
- 20th annual Jean Mitchell Road race, July
- Cancer fund-raiser charts new course, August
- Cancer Society benefit race set, April
- Jean Mitchell race, June, May
- National Bank of Geneva becomes Jean Mitchell Race underwriter (photo), July
- Stuart claims Mitchell (photo), August
- Literacy Volunteers
- Literacy Volunteers plan student brunch, January
- Project Open Arms
- Ventura named citizen of the year (photo Andrew Ventura), July
- Red Cross
- Flood pick-up back on track [Delta Chi Omega], April
- Service projects done by FLCC students, December
- United Way
- United Way's '97 campaign begins, March
Board of Supervisors
- County thinks ahead, January
Board of Trustees
- . . . have elected officers (photos Nancy Langer, Philip Oestreich, Harry G. Burt), January
- FLCC announces officers (photos Nancy Langer, Philip Oestreich, Harry Burt), April
- FLCC board of trustees elects officers for 1997, January
- FLCC names trustees [Nancy Langer, Philip Oestreich], March
- Trustees
- Belmont, Robert A.
- Belmont named to FLCC board, September
- Belmont named to FLCC board of trustees (photo), August
- Blaker, Keith
- FLCC student trustee elected (photo), July, June
- Rapp, Marvin
- The Erie Canal, March
- Belmont, Robert A.
- County spending to rise, July
- FLCC board OKs budget, July
Buildings and Grounds
- ADA Compliance
- FLCC works on improving access, March
- Auditorium
- FLCC plans $24 million in building - a new auditorium and school addition could be built within the next decade, August
- New projects would boost county taxes, September
- Educational Technology
- GCC lab allows students to 'attend' other colleges (photo), June
- Deisener/Slater Enterprises . . . will be the exclusive promoter of concerts. . ., March
- Library
- Finger Lakes opens newly renovated library, January
- Parking
- Overcoming the parking pinch, May
- Trails
- Giving choices - The developmentally disabled are getting help finding new roles in society, June
- Serv-rite parent's difficulties send stock into tailspin; chairman fired, December
Center for Advisement
- Keuka students' field projects listed [Doreen Fingar], August
College Relations
- . . . received merit award, March
- FLCC receives excellence award [for website], July
- FLCC wins award for web site, March
- FLCC wins award for world wide web site, September
- Merit award for FLCC, April
- (photo Jackie Sculli and Debbie Thibault), May
- 700 graduate at FLCC (photo), May
- Classic Brass to perform, May
- Fair skies shine on FLCC graduates (photo speaker Dr. Stephen J. Uebbing), May
- FLCC announces graduates for 1997 academic year, August
- FLCC commencement ceremony, April
- FLCC grads ready, May
- FLCC graduates 700 students (photo Dr. Hayes, Nancy Langer, student Rebecca Ann Henderson), May
- FLCC graduates from Yates County, October
- Former President Bush leads list of graduation speakers - area colleges are preparing to confer degrees on more than 12,000 students, May
- FLCC 1997 GED graduation and recognition ceremony held, July
- FLCC honors GED graduates, July
- Students honored for earning equivalencies, October
- Speaker
- FLCC graduation speaker announced [Dr. Stephen J. Uebbing], May
- School superintendent is graduation speaker, May
Conferences and Workshops
- Accounting for Board Members
- FLCC is teleconference site, March
- Art Safety
- Art safety course tomorrow, November
- Auditing
- FLCC is site for auditing teleconference, March
- Fair Use Guidelines
- Teachers' video conference set, February
- Infection Control
- Infection control workshop at FLCC, May
- Secretaries
- Changing workplace talk topic, April
- Dee Dee Myers leads FLCC teleconference, April
- Secretaries conference set at FLCC, April
- Town Officials
- Lyons Village Board meeting news, November
- Over the snowdrifts for workshop [Anna Mercer], November
- Teleconferences set for town officials, May
- Understanding & Making the Best of an OSC Audit
- FLCC holding audit course, March
Courses and Programs
- Job training courses offered, August
- Sign-ups set for FLCC-BOCES courses, January
- Vocational course sign-up dates set, April
- Young completes clerical program [Lynn Young], May
- Community Education
- Arts
- FLCC offers 'american girl' crafts, June
- FLCC offers credit-free class on quilting, April, May
- FLCC offers wonderful watercolor painting, January
- FLCC student art, May
- Learn how to cross stitch, January
- Learn how to make 'Ohio Star,' January
- Wreath-making course next month, November
- Boat building for beginners (photos John Rogers, Christopher Badeau, Melanie Smith), May
- Business
- Class teaches promotion use, March
- FLCC offers workshop on building business success, March
- Class on local waters exploration, April
- Computers
- Public computer courses offered, January
- Credit-free class on weddings, May
- Finances
- ad - A common sense approach to personal financial planning, March
- ad - debt-free living, November, October
- Course offers accounting tips, March
- Debt-free living workshop at FLCC Newark, October
- Living debt-free is seminar topic, September
- Loaded with debt? FLCC class promises help, September
- Three finance classes offered by FLCC, February
- FLCC offers class on public speaking, March
- FLCC offers communication workshop, February
- FLCC offers course on manners, March
- FLCC offers salamander class, May
- FLCC sets course on Erie Canal, May
- Food
- Wineries offer special events during June, May
- Gardening
- 'Floral fancy' course slated, April
- Class offered on gardening, January
- FLCC course on growing gourmet vegetables, March
- FLCC offers course on language of flowers, March
- FLCC offers credit-free class on herbs, May
- FLCC offers horticulture therapy course, March
- Flowers course set at FLCC, March
- Growing, using gourmet vegetables, February
- Kids
- FLCC offers college classes for kids in August, July
- FLCC offers golf for teens, June
- FLCC plan six spring courses for kids, January
- FLCC to offer 'boredom busters' for kids, June
- Kids never stop learning - from tie-dying to fishing, FLCC offers variety, May
- Making learning more fun! (photo), May
- Learn how to collect anything, February
- Salamander course set at camp, April
- Self Help
- Course on divorce offered at FLCC, November
- FLCC holds course on divorce, December
- Sports
- 'Build your own golf clubs,' January
- Dance relaxation course dates set, July
- FLCC course can teach you to make your own golf clubs, February
- FLCC offers course on building golf clubs, March
- FLCC offers credit-free dancing class, June
- FLCC to offer fly fishing class, March
- Fly fishing course planned, April
- Sailing school, May
- Travel
- FLCC offers trip to Ottowa winter festival, December
- Video
- Video course, January
- Writing
- FLCC offers course on writing and recreation, March
- Writing course at Newark Center, February
- Arts
- Computer Science
- Information age - you're not too old to enter the computer world, February
- Conservation
- FL forest hosts field burns [FLCC interns], June
- FLCC conservation department purchases high-tech equipment (photo), December
- FLCC conservation program wins grant [for radio-tracking], March
- FLCC students learn to track wild creatures (photo Ann Terninko, Ken Poorman, Jessica Smith, Jim Dillard, Scott Jones, Christine Sweeney), December
- Grant helps FLCC students track wildlife (photo), December
- Hawking kestrels, December
- Running of the maggots (photo), March
- South Bristol backs lake testing program, February
- Students bear down for this class, December
- Successful fundraiser for Montezuma, September
- There's bears in them thar hills, December
- Trout season opens with a splash, March
- Water testing gets grudging OK, January
- Wild turkey seminar date set, March
- Dairy
- ad - Information for success - ideas for today's dairyman, April
- Dairy farm training class series is set, April
- Elderhostel
- College to host elderhostel program, July
- FLCC Elderhostel will focus on area, July
- FLCC offers flora, fauna course for elderhostel program, July
- It's never too late to learn (photos), August
- 1998 Spring EMS schedule, December
- Bristol hosts EMS course, September
- College approved as course sponsor, September
- EMS council plans numerous courses, August, September
- EMT courses to be held in Wolcott, December
- FLCC approved as EMT-Paramedic Course Sponsor, October
- FLCC approves EMT/Paramedic Certificate Program; seeks SUNY approval, July
- FLCC board adds EMT certificate program, August
- FLCC nears final OK on paramedic course, September
- FLCC now offers EMT training, September
- FLCC receives approval for EMT certificate program, October
- FLCC receives approval for EMT/Paramedic program, November
- FLCC to offer EMT training, August
- Hopewell basic EMT course coming, January
- New degree programs at FLCC (photos Michael Plyter, recording studio), October
- Paramedic program to start at FLCC, May
- Volunteers are needed, May
- Yates salutes volunteers during Emergency Medical Services week (photo), May
- Engineering
- Career watch - ceramic engineer, May
- English as a second language at FLCC, January
- ESL course set on TV, January
- ESL courses set by college, December
- FLCC offers ESL, September
- FLCC sponsors 'Crossroads Cafe' televised english instruction program, January, October
- Instruction program nationally televised, February
- TV's Crossroads Cafe, September
- Fine Arts
- FLCC fine arts degree program, July
- FLCC offers fine arts degree, August
- New degree programs at FLCC (photos Michael Plyter, recording studio), October
- SUNY approves fine arts degree program at FLCC, July
- ad, October
- College offers seven GED prep courses, January
- Community action program in action, December
- Earn your GED on television, February
- FLCC holds GED class, October
- FLCC offers GED course, September
- Free GED home study program, December
- GED at FLCC sites, January
- GED prep will be on FLTV, January
- High school equivalency courses offered, September
- Gemini Program
- College-sponsored and AP courses debated at meeting, March
- High School Summer School
- FLCC summer high school registration, June
- Honors
- Honors seminar set on family, December
- Horticulture
- Careerwatch - Landscape gardeners, May
- In the green - The Genesee-Finger Lakes Nursery and Landscape Association is a natural resource,March
- Human Services
- FLCC students attend conference, May
- Institute
- ad - Marketing trends 2000, April
- ad - Small business startup, February, September
- Business, computer courses at institute, March
- College classes hitting home (photo Bob Morse), May
- College sales course slated, April
- Colleges moving to serve businesses (photo Trenton Hightower), November
- FLCC Institute broadens programs for businesses, February
- FLCC Institute for workforce development marks successful year, February
- FLCC Institute for workforce development outlines projects, February
- FLCC Institute offers vineyard program, March
- FLCC Institute receives honorable mention, December
- FLCC Institute sets February courses, January
- FLCC Institute sets management courses, July
- FLCC Is partners with Kodak, Xerox, December
- FLCC offers class on promotion, March
- FLCC offers communication workshop, March
- FLCC to host sales seminar, March
- Grammar, business writing workshop, January
- Institute approved for new training courses, February
- Manners course set for children, February
- Orchard workers training, June
- Small business seminar date set, October
- Strategic sales seminar set, April
- The candidates and their promises to voters, October
- Vineyard course offered at FLCC, March
- Workforce development projects benefit Wayne, February
- Language Arts
- FLCC adds Spanish, French courses, July
- FLCC expands foreign language course offerings, June
- FLCC offers course entitled foreign language immersion, June
- FLCC offers travel course to Costa Rica, August
- Music Recording Technology
- FLCC offers recording degree (photo Melissa Terilli, Inza Bamba, Gary Zefting), July, June
- FLCC receives SUNY approval for music recording technology degree, March
- Music recording program degree approved at FLCC, July
- New degree programs at FLCC (photos Michael Plyter, recording studio), October
- Nursing
- Apply soon for FLCC nursing program, March
- FLCC nursing graduates exceed national RN exam rates, August, July
- FLCC of offer credit for experiential learning in the nursing program, April
- FLCC offers spanish for nurses and medical personnel, December
- FLCC's nursing program, June
- Nursing grads pass licensing test, July
- Nursing program now taking applications, March
- Nursing program offers credit, May
- Nursing program offers student credit, May
- Social Science
- Course gives college credits for volunteerism, December
- FLCC program receives award [SAIL], September
- Letter to the editor - Rehab center is needed - Netty Coye, Leola Williams, Carl DeVries,December
- SAIL program receives award, July
- Senior care courses held, December
- Tech Prep
- Conference highlights regional school-to-work efforts, April
- Telecourses
- FLCC Fall 1997 telecourses, September
- FLCC offers Fall 1977 telecourses, October
- FLCC plans three spring telecourses, December
- FLCC provides televised GED and ESL courses, September
- Travel and Tourism
- Chamber surveys area businesses, March
- Community business survey, February
- Tourism jobs boom in Ontario County, February
Dean's List
- Dean's list, February
- FLCC announces 1996 dean's list, January
- FLCC dean's list, June
- FLCC dean's list for part-time students, June
- FLCC students make honor roll, July
- National dean's list honors locals, November
- Students make dean's list, November
- Students named to national listing, October
- Children's Theatre
- (photo Sam Sheehan and other students), January
- Call for actors at FLCC, December
- Cat meets bird (photo Allyson Lane, Kelly Badge), January
- Child actors sought, December
- FLCC children's theatre tour scheduled, January
- FLCC performers (photo Grant Walters, students), January
- FLCC sets tour with children's theater, December
- The House at Pooh Corner
- ad, March
- FLCC presents Pooh play, March
- Miller to play 'piglet' [Pam Miller], March
- Scenes from Shakespeare
- FLCC performs (photos James Heath, Jackie Verstreate, Tiffany Crowley, Pamela Miller), April
- Shakespeare highlights to be performed, March
- When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?
- 'Red Ryder' play is staged this weekend (photo Tina Wager, Dan Kuhner, Adriel Shea), November
- ad, November, October
Empire State College
- ad - Wayne County residents, we're here for you, March
- College sets information session, March
- College to hold info meeting, March
- Early intervention program offers workshop on assistive technology, October
- Empire State College information night set, May
- Information session today, October
- SUNY info session, September
- Area college sets enrollment mark, November
- FLCC boasts 2211 full-time students, October
- FLCC enrollment breaks record, October
- FLCC faces new year, challenges (photo Jean Koch and students), October
- 30th Anniversary
- FLCC celebrates 30th anniversary (photo Daniel Hayes and Keith Blaker, student president),November
- African-American Read-In
- FLCC hosts African-American read-in, January
- Upcoming events, February
- Barbeque
- County plans employee barbeque, May
- Business Symposium
- FLCC announces symposium and competition winners, March
- Students honored at business symposium, April
- Winners from Newark at Business Symposium (photo), March
- Computer Fair
- (photo Romulus students), May
- Computer coolness (photo), May
- Computer Fair to be held at FLCC, March
- Computer programming class wins competition, May
- High school computer fair set at FLCC, April
- Retrotech, Inc. computer fair to be held at FLCC, March
- Romulus 6th-grader top computer competition, May
- Three Wayne Central high school students (photo), May
- Conservation Field Days
- Students learn about nature (photo Steven McDonald), September
- Elks Hoop Shoot
- Hoop dreams (photo Kevin Gillon), January
- Lyons Elks shootout successful, January
- Envirothon
- Bloomfield wins envirothon event, May
- FFA students in Envirothon, June
- Family Day
- ad, September
- Family Day at FLCC, October
- Family Day festivities at FLCC, October
- FLCC holds family day, September
- FLCC to hold family day Oct. 18, October
- John Briggs, October
- Pianist John Briggs to perform at FLCC family day, September
- Family Fun Festival
- Cheers & Jeers, October
- Family fun festival planned for Sept 28. 1997, July
- Free party at FLCC, September
- Letters to the editor - Celebrate families at 'Fun' festival - John Pietropaolo, October
- Letters to the editor - Festival celebrates majority of drug-free, loving families - John Pietropaolo, September
- Two join county partnership, October
- Leadership Program
- Leadership program at FLCC - area high schoolers will take part in a special program at the college Tuesday, April
- Mathematics Contest
- Geneva students receive awards, August
- Wayne Central takes 1st in math, May
- Wayne high students win math contest, May
- Wayne wins math event - again! (photo), June
- May Day
- May day (photos Laura Lyon, K.C. Van Deventer, Jessica Smith, Kevin Lowry, Jeff Gordon), May
- Multicultural Read-in
- FLCC to hold cultural read-in, April
- NYS Community College Academic Olympics
- Academic Olympics team placed third, November
- FLCC places third (photo Devon Kerr, Robert Lee, Josh Mandelstam, Brian Holtz), October
- Science Olympics
- Brighton, Webster, Midlakes earn honors, December
- Livonia students win award, January
- Math and science olympics winners, December
- Members of the PYA math and science olympics team (photo), December
- Midlakes medals in olympics, December
- Midlakes students third in competition, December
- PYA team takes 6th place, December
Extension Centers
- Geneva
- ad - We support the Geneva Area Chamber of Commerce, March
- Candidates take questions, voice views at forum, October
- Enrichment courses planned for Geneva, January
- Rights leader leaves legacy of activism [office in extension center], February
- Newark
- FLCC offers Newark courses, March
- Victor/Farmington
- FLCC plans to send day classes north, August, September
- Waterloo
- FLCC offers courses in Waterloo, February
Faculty and Staff
- Adams, Clayton
- Yates Co. Photography Club, January
- Araci, Selim
- FLCC honors distinguished employees, June
- Bailey, Paul
- Mandery & Bailey promoted, September
- Banaszewski, Bill
- A walk in the park, November, October
- Lake task force receives national honor (photo taken by Bill), January
- National parks lecture at FLCC, October
- National parks talk at FLCC, October
- Special report: Business & the environment, March
- Blanton, Claire
- . . . presented a workshop, December
- Bringewatt, Paul
- Colleges add two to administrative staff, October
- Brown, Don
- Rev. Brown to be guest pastor, August
- Brown, Ina Sue
- obituary, October
- Campbell, Kenneth
- City Republicans name candidates (photo), June
- City supervisor race gears up (photo), October
- Canough, Corinne
- A few dating pointers, March
- Capozzi, Mary
- . . . wrote a chapter for the book . . ., June
- FLCC nursing faculty present at state capital, June
- Nursing instructors give presentation, June
- Nursing teachers help write book, April
- Nursing teachers present at conference, February
- Clarkson, Nancy
- Nursing teachers present at conference, February
- Cook, Richard
- Engaged (photo), May
- Zahn-Cook (photo), April
- Coons, John "Jack"
- Panel to discuss exercise trends, May
- Social agency council, December
- Cooper, Charlotte
- All in a day's work for FLCC librarian (photo), September
- Library hopes to recover its lost virtues, October
- DeRoo, Debra
- Five join St. Michael faculty (photo), October
- New faculty members at SMS (photo), September
- New on St. Michael School staff (photo), October
- Dodge, Marty
- They can sink saws' teeth into this festival (photos), September
- Douglas, Roy
- Letter to the editor - Weaving in some clarifications, June
- Dunay, Kim
- . . . appointed a college relations specialist (photo), December
- Edmonds, Thomas
- . . . named to the Showcase Selection Committee, March
- Residents involved in showcase group, April
- Egan, Stephen
- New faculty members at SMS (photo), September
- Engman Benedict, Suzanna
- Three from FLCC present workshop, November
- Ernhout, Steve
- VA union in disarray, October
- Fagan, Jeanne
- Tourism industry workshops are set, April
- Finewood, William R.
- Finewood to teach graphic arts, October
- FitzPatrick, Ed
- Students work on window (photo), April
- FLCC names nine new faculty members [Deborah K. Farrell, William R. Finewood, James A. Hewlett, Catherine T. Johnson, Robert O. Kalbach, Cathryn F. Kent, James Mergenthaler, Ronald J. Metzger, James P. Sconfietti], September
- FLCC promotions [Frank Mandery, John Sinton, Claire Blanton, Nancy Clarkson, Peter Kuryla, Susan Hassell Landholm, Richard Larkin, Heather Reece-Tillack, Christopher Parker], September
- FLCC recognizes distinguished employees, teams and students, June
- Folger, William
- . . . presented a workshop, February
- Names in the news [presented a workshop], March
- French, Rick
- Team-building fun for PYE fifth-graders, October
- Friday, Don
- Rehab vital to many patients' recovery from heart attack, May
- Friedman, Peter
- Serving sushi (photo), May
- Geary, Ray
- FLCC staff at center's program, August
- FLCC staffer presents workshop, December
- Gerard, Chuck
- Author promotes 'forever healthy' lifestyle, December
- Gerbic, Peter
- Peter Gerbic - is a perfectly natural artisan (photo), September
- Gillard, Maria
- For Maria Gillard, creating a song can be fun and frustrating (photo), October
- Gilman, Bruce
- Events - In search of twinleaf and other spring woodland flowers, May
- FLCC professor and students present papers at scientific paper conference, November
- Mussels, pollutants alter lake, June
- Wild Water Derby - The event starts at noon Sunday, March
- Grube, Ron
- 'Separation' topic of Sunday sermon, October
- Hayes, Daniel
- Colleges moving to serve businesses, November
- Highlights, reaction, August
- Phelps Rotary, November
- Residents want virtual city, May
- Virtual Canandaigua's internet survey results, May
- Haynes, Daniel
- . . . has been named the Department of Social Services project coordinator, May
- Herbert-Ashton, Marilyn
- Nursing teachers present at conference, February
- Hewlett, Jim
- . . . appointed an instructor of biology, October
- You can go back home, say Webster natives (photo), March
- Hightower, Trenton
- Canandaigua businessmen given '40 under 40 award (photo), November
- Newspaper honors Hightower (photo), December
- Phelps BPW, November
- Profile (photo), November
- Work chosen for publication, January
- Young professionals to receive 3rd annual 40 under 40 awards, September
- Holloway, Jan E.J.
- FLCC names buildings, grounds director, July
- Howland, Michele
- . . . has been selected to participateon a task force, February
- FLCC employee on national task force, January
- Insalaco, Thomas
- 'Witness to events' - a local artist delves into dark themes (photo), February
- Legg, Ruth
- "Oliver!" in Geneva, July
- A dickens of a show at Smith Opera House, July
- Community theater: for the people, by the people, July
- Theatre Guild sets auditions for 'Oliver!', March
- Theatre Guild stages 'Oliver,' May
- Leisten, Robert
- Palmyra man leading wine tour, October
- Which wine goes with turkey?, November
- Lomber, Elaine
- Area students to compete in spelling bee, March
- Lowden, Bob
- C-C baseball boosters to hold instructional clinic, December
- The fall (asleep) classic?, October
- Madera, Grace
- Human resource corner, March
- Malinowski, Pat
- . . . recently attended a conference, March
- FLCC faculty present at reading association conference, November
- FLCC staff attends conference, April
- FLCC teachers make seminar presentations, April
- Malinowski in Who's Who (photo), January
- Mandery, Frank
- Mandery & Bailey promoted, September
- Margolis, Richard
- Anderson Alley artist (photo), October
- Marino, Michael
- To college (photo), July
- Marion, Dan
- Landscaping in harmony with nature, April
- Lingering leaves, November
- McCarthy, Don
- . . . was appointed professor emeritus (photo), July, June
- McCarthy, Susan
- 1997 Athena award nominees (photo), October
- Athena Award to be presented, October
- McGuire, David
- . . . earned a doctorate, March
- FLCC music faculty member to premier composition at Nazareth College, October
- Free performance at Nazareth, November
- Meitner, Heidi
- Around the town with Eileen Levy, October
- Montcrieff, Ray
- . . . received bachelor of science degree, December
- . . . received bachelor of science degree (photo), December
- Morris, Robert J.
- Three at FLCC receive Chancellor's awards (photo), May
- Moss, Julie Tomkinson
- Brighton Rec offers drawing classes, September
- Mulvaney, Louise
- . . . received the Hallmark Continued Excellence Award for Advisor [Phi Theta Kappa], July
- Honor society adviser honored at convention, August
- Murphy, Barbara
- Three from FLCC present workshop, November
- O'Donnell, Karen
- FLCC faculty present at reading association conference, November
- FLCC teachers make seminar presentations, April
- Three from FLCC present workshop, November
- Olsen, Stephanie
- . . . recently attended a conference, March
- FLCC staff attends conference, April
- FLCC teachers make seminar presentations, April
- Parker, Christopher
- AIDS group honors Parker (photo), November
- FLCC professor receives recognition, November
- FLCC professor receives recognition as volunteer of the year for AIDS community services of Western NY (photo), October
- Patricia Malinowski, Karen O'Donnell, Barbara Murphy, and Maureen Maas-Feary . . . gave a two-hour presentation, April
- Pickert, Robert
- 1 guitar, 2 guitars, 3 guitars, more . . . (photo), May
- Canandaigua artist visits Midlakes (photo), April
- Guitarist, friends heard during free Midlakes concert, April
- Pietropaolo, John
- . . . presented a training program (photo), April
- . . . recently presented a program, March
- . . . recently presented a program (photo), May
- DWI program 'good' but still full of flaws, August
- Pontius, Ann
- College selection program planned, September
- New columnist joins Times [Peter Pontius], November
- Prull, David
- Three at FLCC receive Chancellor's awards (photo), May
- Purdy, Nancy
- Purdy named volunteer of the year (photo), November
- Scalise to head United Way board again, October
- Queener, Frank
- . . . appointed library director (photo), November
- Queener named FLCC library director (photo), October
- Ramsey, F. Carol
- Delta Kappa Gamma Society convenes (photo), May
- Reece-Tillack, Heather
- . . . wrote a chapter for the book . . ., June
- FLCC nursing faculty present at state capital, June
- Non-profit report [Coordinated Child Development Program, Inc.], October
- Nursing instructors give presentations, June
- Nursing teachers help write book, April
- Nursing teachers present at conference, February
- Reed, Elizabeth E.
- Engaged (photo), January
- Reehil, Sherri
- Gardens can soothe the soul (photo), April
- Riesenberger, Kathleen
- Naples races uncontested (photo), November
- Robbins, Sandra
- obituary, May
- Robertson, John
- . . . appointed, February
- FLCC appoints two to professional staff (photo), March
- Robinson, Ann
- . . . presented a workshop, December
- Samanta, Sam
- FLCC faculty members develop web page for honors seminar, September
- FLCC making use of world wide web, June
- Schlesinger, Richard
- . . . appointed, February
- FLCC appoints two professional staff (photo), March
- Schwartz, Mary Beth
- . . . named to the Showcase Selection Committee, March
- Shortt, Roy
- Keuka prof wins award, February
- Smith, Frank
- Locals want park details, January
- Spring makes debut - a meterologist says it's been a strange winter, March
- Smith, J. Timothy
- . . . was appointed development officer, May
- . . . was appointed development officer (photo), June
- Steckel, Paul
- Six artists are the focus of '97 Fall for the arts, September
- Talbot, John
- FLCC faculty members develop web page for honors seminar, September
- FLCC making use of world wide web, June
- Urbaitis, Carol
- FLCC dean of student services presents at marketing symposium, November
- FLCC employee attends conference, December
- Non-profit report [Coordinated Child Development Program, Inc.], October
- VanNiel, John
- Bird walk, March
- Bird walk at Montezuma, October
- Knee deep teaching on water, October
- Mammal program offered Wednesday, October
- Program on mammals at Montezuma, September
- Science in the real world - Mynderse advanced biology students adopt watershed area (photos),November
- VanZetta, Nancy
- College admissions night planned for parents of Spencerport juniors, April
- College aid program planned, December
- FinanceForum (photo), February
- Financial aid for college explained, October
- Financial aid workshop set, November
- FLCC employee receives award, December
- Olympia HS sponsors financial aid workshop, November
- Three at FLCC receive Chancellor's awards (photo), May
- Weinstein, Elizabeth
- . . . wrote a chapter for the book . . ., June
- Nursing teachers help write book, April
- White, Chris
- . . . participated in muckrace, October
- Williams, Wayne
- . . . recently honored as 'artist of the year,' September
- Art prof Williams invited to High Falls, December
- Arts awards dinner held in Lyons, October
- Arts, crafts exhibit to open May 18 (photo of artwork), May
- FLCC art professor honored by Council (photo), October
- FLCC art professor nominated to participate in Rochester Artists Invitational Exhibition, November
- Williams named artist of the year, October
- Zamperetti, Don
- Tourism industry workshops are set, April
- Zich, Michael
- Program at the library, April
Financial Aid
- Doran speaks - A new "grade," March
- FLCC freshman scholarship winners announced [Andrew Carey, Sarah Worhacz], July
- Scholarships
- Business and Professional Women's club raising funds for women's scholarships, October
- FLCC offers scholarship forms, February
- FLCC scholarships, March
- FLCC scholarshp deadline extended, May
- Gardenscape '97 [Andrew VanVlack, Joseph Gaylo, Sue Maslyn] (photo Andrew VanVlack), May
- How to become a BPW member, October
- Letter to the editor - Handley memorial - Natalie Ross, AAUW, May
- Party time once again [Weekender to play, Mike Procton, Ed FitzPatrick quoted] (photo Ed FitzPatrick, Kelly Meath, Rich Larkin, Jim Stahl, Jerry Lanterman), November
- Party to benefit scholarship fund, May
- Prockton accounting scholarship benefit set, November
- Scholarship money still available from FLCC, May
- Scholarship recipients, August
- Three earn FLCC scholarships [Rebecca Jung, Jennifer Mallette, Jill Taber], August
- 'Premier Week' on FLTV [Colleagues], October
- Banach wins regional spelling bee, March
- Colleagues
- Honors program to be discussed, November
- Outdoor rec staff featured, December
- Travel, tourism program featured, November
- FLTV's new show features 'Colleagues,' October
- New show on FLTV - the first episode airs Thursday (photo John Talbot, Sandy Camillo, Daniel Hayes), October
- . . . recently elected officials (photo Dennis Morga, Brian Kolb, Daniel Fuller, David Reh), June
- FLCC Foundation leaders chosen, July
- FLCC Foundation to honor Ontario County Sheriff, Philip Povero (photo), April
- Ontario County sheriff is honored (photo Connie Carpenter, Philip Povero), June
- Sheriff honored at FLCC gala, May
- FLCC gets grant for 10 new computers (photo Linda Hobart, Joseph Duda, William Vingee), December
- FLCC receives $22,000 grant [conservation for radio telemetry], December
- Workforce development Institute gets $1,500 grant, November
- Xerox now matches employee gifts to local community, junior colleges, May
- County partnership expands [STOP-DWI], March
- College Hour
- Students demand college hour back (photo), October
- FLCC closed, December
- FLCC lists hours for summer sessions, May
- Gorham joins bike week [student housing discussed], April
- Adie, N. Susan
- Arctic and Antarctica lecture and slides, April
- Travel guide to speak on life at poles, April
- Bianchi, Barbara
- Cheers & Jeers, December
- Organ donation lecture tonight, December
- Transplant patient talks of his 'new birth' (photo Pat Galvin), December
- Global Awareness
- 'Dry White Season' set in South Africa, is shown at college, March
- African legend is movie's topic [Keita: The Heritage of the Girot], February
- Banaszewski, Bill
- FLCC Global Awareness series to focus on America's national parks, November
- Beckman, Peter
- 'New nuclear era' is speaker's topic, October
- FLCC global awareness series, October
- Global awareness series offered [Surviving the next 25 years: a new nuclear era?],September
- Boston, Walter Jr.
- Canadian-American relations, November
- US-Canadian relations are topic, November
- Dyson-Hudson, Rada
- Famine relief lecture, February
- FLCC global awareness series presents lecture on the Turkana, February
- Kenyans are the topic, January
- FLCC global awareness series [film Keita: The Heritage of the Girot], March
- FLCC to show 'Mapantsula,' March
- Gohlman, William
- FLCC global awareness [The Islamic Resurgence], October
- Speaker on Islamic movement, November
- Hassan, Salah
- African art topic of talk, February
- Art professor to speak at FLCC, February
- FLCC Global awareness series presents lecture on african art, March
- Heller, Josh
- Africa on the Internet, April
- FLCC global awareness series presents "Africa on the Internet," March
- Lumumba-Kasanga, Tukumbi
- African politics is speaker's topic, February
- African politics probed during lecture, March
- Mohawk, John
- 'Indian Tax Wars' is lecture topic, November
- FLCC global awareness series to focus on Indian Tax Wars, October
- Moodie, Dunbar
- African manhood topic of talk, April
- End of apartheid?, March
- Norris, Darrell
- FLCC global awareness series to focus on Hong Kong, October
- Scholar's Forum
- Pellegrino, Charles
- FLCC offers science talk (photo), May
- Spier, David
- Last look at fall, November
- Pellegrino, Charles
- 'Electronic Doorway' opens to state libraries, April
- FLCC library summer hours listed, June
- Is the answer for library funding a new tax? [mentions FLCC library], December
- Virtue inspires vice at area libraries - morality books are stolen, as are Bible tapes [Charlotte Cooper quoted], August
Master Plan
- FLCC unveils master plan, October
- Ontario County delays action on tax holiday, October
- Chorale
- 'It keeps my sanity' (photo Pat McIntyre), May
- ad - Anthems, Carols, and Songs, December
- ad - join the Finger Lakes Chorale, February
- ad - Musical Portraits, August
- Chorale meets on Tuesdays, June
- Finger Lakes chorale to perform, November
- FL Chorale rehearsal, January
- FLCC singers to perform, May
- FLCC vocalist groups to perform at church, May
- Musical memories, December
- Summer concert at Sodus Point, August
- Summer rehearsal and concert schedule for Finger Lakes Chorale, July
- Concert Band
- ad - American Composers Concert, March
- ad - An American Christmas, December
- ad - Movies, marches & more!, June, May
- Band in Elmira, November
- Concert band to perform, March
- Concert band to perform pops, May
- Finger Lakes concert band to perform 'an American Christmas,' November
- FLCC band will perform at Smith, April
- FLCC concert band performs Saturday, June
- Hail to American composers - Finger Lakes Concert Band zeros in on works by American composers and plays a selection by the band director (photo Munro H. Sherrill), March
- Pomp at the Park, November
- FLCC college singers and jazz ensemble perform winter concert, November
- Here is a gift of music from FLCC (photo John Walker), December
- Lincoln Hill Singers
- Auditions for Lincoln Hill Singers, January
- Music in Canandaigua, December
- The gift of a winter concert from FLCC, December
- BOCES registration begins tonight, December
- Final walk-in registration, December
- FLCC announces registration and placement testing for 1997 semester, August
- FLCC registration, August
- FLCC summer registration, April
- FLCC taking registration, May
- FLCC to register spring students, January
- Jan Plan registration taken, December
- Spring FLCC registration, December
Salaries and Contracts
- Daily Messenger Our Opinion - Questionable bonuses, May
- FLCC bonuses anger county, May
- Letter to the editor - Bonuses oversimplified in article, editorial on FLCC - Nancy Langer, Board of Trustees, May
- Letter to the editor - FLCC 'awards' demand explaining - Dennis Hicks, May
- Letter to the editor - FLCC bonus overkill - Joseph M. Brown, May
- No contract for FLCC faculty, September
- Part-time the answer for many, August
- Union contracts set to expire, December
- What do you think?, May
- Baseball
- ASC sweeps Finger Lakes, April
- Camp
- Baseball camp takes registrations, June
- FLCC holds camp over Christmas, December
- FLCC to sponsor winter baseball camps, March
- FLCC to sponsor youth baseball camp, May
- FLCC winter baseball camps, February
- Cilino returns home for regionals, May
- Even strong wind can't blow Lakers off course, May
- Finger Lakes CC sweeps Jayhawks, April
- Finger Lakes wins two, March
- FLCC baseball team honored (photo Joe Rockhill), May
- FLCC bats down Niagara County, April
- FLCC gets No. 1 seed, May
- FLCC improves record to 28-5, April
- FLCC routs F-MCC, May
- FLCC sweeps Buffalo (photo Eric Potter), March
- FLCC wins 3 behind Urbano's power surge, April
- FLCC wins four in Pennsylvania, March
- Gardner excited about Knights' 4th season, May
- Horseheads' Keenan leads FLCC to third place finish, May
- Hot-hitting Lakers push winning streak to 14 straight, April
- Lakers are No. 1 for Region tourney, April
- Lakers click offensively during four-win weekend, March
- Lakers complete sweep of HVCC, April
- Lakers cruise past Erie CC, May
- Lakers enjoy record season (photo Jackson Burnette), May
- Lakers hope for carryover (photo Bob Lowden), May
- Lakers ousted from regionals, May
- Lakers reach 30 wins, want more, April
- Lakers reach new level, April
- Lakers ready to run (photos, Paul Welker), March
- Lakers roll into regional final four, May
- Lakers shore up middle of the diamond, March
- Lakers sweep Genesee (photo Aaron Thurston), April
- Lakers sweep Jamestown CC, April
- Lakers sweep past Jefferson, April
- Lakers sweep SCCC, April
- Lakers' record season closes, May
- Pioneers swept by FLCC in Wellsville; Hanson remains hot, April
- Potter throws 13 Ks but Lakers fall, 4-2, March
- Potter wins pair for Finger Lakes, April
- Rockhill rocks Broome, May
- Rough going for Lakers in opener, March
- Russo, Urbano: from Geneva HS to Knights, May
- Three former FLCC players to spend summer in Geneva, May
- Tryouts
- Braves schedule tryouts at FLCC, June
- Welker notches victory, April
- Winning streak ends but Lakers earn split, April
- Wins keep on coming for FLCC baseball, April
- With new attitude, Knights ready for '97 NCBL season, May
- Basketball
- Camp
- Basketball camp set at FLCC in July, May
- FLCC to sponsor girls hoop camp, July
- FLCC to sponsor summer boys basketball camp, June
- FLCC to sponsor summer girls basketball camp, June
- Clinic
- 'Shot Doctor' coming to town, October
- FLCC to offer clinic for future collegiate student-athletes, August
- FLCC to put on hoops clinic, November
- Hoops is more than just a Hobbie, November
- Personal treatment (photo Ernie Hobbie and students), November
- FLCC squads ready to tip off (photos Mike Timerson, Erika Schultz), November
- Laker men, women hope to improve on success, November
- Laker women win, men lose at Canton, November
- Mens
- Asberry scores 34 to lead FLCC men, February
- Balanced Lakers run past Fisher, January
- Broome powers past flat Lakers (photo Mike Crespo, Randy Rich), January
- FLCC downs Cayuga, January
- FLCC men beaten by top-seeded team, March
- FLCC men cruise, January
- FLCC men fall to 0-7, November
- FLCC players, coach cited by conference, March
- FLCC uses pressure to put away T-C CC, February
- FLCC wins Region III game, March
- GCC pulls away in final minutes, November
- Jefferson eliminates Lakers from tourney, March
- Jones' hot shooting helps Lakers cruise, February
- Lakers drop pair of games, November
- Lakers extend win streak to 7, January
- Lakers fall to Herkimer, November
- Lakers knock off Broome, March
- Lakers knock off Mohawk Valley, December
- Lakers mark return with win at Herkimer, January
- Lakers pick up season's 1st win, December
- Lakers rally for win, February
- Late run does in Lakers (photos Mike Crespo, Gene Storey), November
- MCC routs Finger Lakes, December
- Radeker leads HCCC to 84-79 win against CCFL, December
- Shooting woes doom FLCC in first game, November
- Storey, Jones lead Lakers over Corning, January
- Strong second half keys Lakers' victory, February
- Three Lakers net at least 20 points in victory on road, February
- Through the middle (photo Randy Rich), January
- Visiting Lakers fall to Broome, February
- Phillip beats the buzzer, January
- Womens
- Atwood gets FLCC job (photo Bob Atwood), July
- Atwood named to coach Lakers (photo Bob Atwood), June
- Coaches return to roots (photo Mike Sullivan), December
- Corning forges tie with FLCC, February
- Finger Lakes women finish season at 21-8, March
- FLCC hoops game dunked by snow, November
- FLCC names new women's varsity basketball coach [Bob Atwood], July
- FLCC reaches final, November
- FLCC withstands late Jefferson rally, February
- FLCC women clinch tie for championship, February
- FLCC women cruise, November
- FLCC women run into tough GCC squad, November
- Former FLCC coach returns to his roots (photo Mike Sullivan), July
- Free throws lift Lady Lakers, December
- Herkimer pounds FLCC, January
- Historic victory for FLCC - the Lakers won their first mid-state conference title in women's basketball last night, February
- Jefferson CC uses late rally to beat FLCC, January
- Lady Lakers crush JCC, January
- Lady Lakers run past Alfred State, November
- Lady Lakers split weekend games, February
- Lady Lakers suffer their first defeat, November
- Lakers advance to title contest, February
- Lakers end semester with 36-point victory (photo Beth Nagel), December
- Lakers hold off Alfred St. run, November
- Lakers let lead slip away in loss, January
- Lakers lose in final, December
- Lakers win title - Geneva's Phillip wins two individual awards, March
- Lakers with surprisingly easy win over Jefferson, February
- Late free throws lift Lady Lakers, November
- Merle leads FLCC to win (photo Heather Evanicki), December
- Phillip leads Lady Lakers, January
- Phillip posts double-double as Lakers down Jamestown, February
- Phillip's 20 points leads FLCC women past Adirondack, December
- Phillip's late bucket caps FLCC comeback, January
- Schultz scores 14 points, November
- Sullivan leaving Lakers - FLCC's women's basketvall coach resigns in order to dedicate more time to his career (photo), April
- Transition game gives Lakers a lift, November
- Tribunes end Lakers' season (photo Mike Sullivan), March
- Camp
- Cross Country
- Coleman receives top honors for the second year (photo Jamie Coleman), February
- Finger Lakes men tie for 3rd, September
- Finger Lakes qualifies for championship meet, November
- FLCC men ranked eighth in NJCAA, October
- FLCC places fourth out of eight, September
- FLCC student wins honors for cross-country prowess [Jamie Coleman], January
- Lakers finish second (photo Brian Davis, Tom Hanna, Shawn Morgan, Carl Jackson, Jake Rogers),October
- Lakers finish third, October
- Lakers place 3rd, September
- Lakers place fifth in men's race, October
- Lakers place ninth, November
- Lakers take third, October
- Uphill battle (photo Erin Hagg and Gerilyn Werner), September
- Kids' Night Out
- FLCC teams offering Friday kids' actvities, September
- Kids welcome at FLCC fund-raiser, November
- Kids' night out for Halloween planned at FLCC, October
- Lacrosse
- FLCC establishes men's and women's intercollegiate lacrosse teams, February
- FLCC fielding lacrosse teams for men, women, January
- FLCC has lacrosse teams, February
- Lacrosse at FLCC, March
- Lacrosse moves to college level at FLCC (photo), December
- Lacrosse teams established at FLCC, March
- Lakers down RIT in lacross opener, March
- Men's
- Lakers fall 6-5 at home (photo Tom Laprairie), April
- Lakers lose to RIT, April
- Lakers top Broome squad, May
- Lakers win twice, April
- Lakers' comeback falls short, April
- Smythe leads FLCC in romp, May
- Womens
- Area athletes to play women's lacrosse at FLCC, August
- FLCC names coach for women's lacrosse, March
- Locals to play for FLCC, September
- Manley, Carlsen among possible FLCC women's laxers, August
- Waterloo's Jones is FLCC's newest coach (photo James Jones), March
- Soccer
- Mens
- Broome blanks Lakers (photo Michael DeHart), October
- Clinton storms back to beat FLCC men, October
- Finger Lakes' Marsh involved in 4 goals, October
- FLCC men capture third straight win, October
- FLCC soccer has website, October
- Herkimer extends streak against FLCC, September
- Lakers rally past Cayuga, October
- Lakers thump Niagara (photo Michael Connors), September
- Lakers top Morrisville, October
- Marsh find a home up front (photo Eric Marsh), October
- Marsh helps FLCC team, October
- Marsh leads FLCC past Canton tech in men's soccer, October
- Marsh scores 5 times, September
- Marsh sinks Alfred, October
- Raiders end Lakers' season, October
- Tribunes sneak past FLCC, September
- Womens
- 1-0 good enough for FLCC, October
- Finger Lakes earns first win of season (photo Sarah Worhacz), October
- Finger Lakes scores 16 goals, September
- FLCC routs Panthers behind Vittum hat trick, October
- FLCC sweeps past ASC, 2-1, October
- FLCC wins in overtime, September
- FLCC women blank Mohawk, October
- FLCC women even record, October
- FLCC women prove they can win close ones too, October
- GCC nips Lakers (photo Sara Marsh), September
- Lakers are shut out, October
- Lakers beaten by Genesee CC, September
- Lakers down Alfred, October
- Lakers fall to MCC, October
- Local players lead Lakers over HCC, September
- Midlakes grads lead FLCC, October
- North Country upsets Lakers, October
- Paddock, Tomkins score for FLCC, September
- Slow start dooms FLCC against JCC, October
- Tomkins tallies four for Lakers, October
- Tompkins OT goal a winner for FLCC, September
- Vittum's goal powers FLCC, October
- Mens
- Softball
- Clinic
- FLCC to host 3-day clinic on fast-pitch softball, January
- FLCC softball season cancelled, March
- Clinic
- Woodsman Team
- Alumni competition, March
- Finger Lakes preparing for rebuilding year (photo Eric Mcomber, Kari Mowers), March
- FLCC alumni, men repeat as champions, May
- FLCC finishes fourth, November
- FLCC graduates finish second at Boonville event, September
- FLCC hosts timber event; local athletes win top spots, October
- FLCC is 4th place in timber sports, November
- FLCC lumberjacks place first at PSC, October
- FLCC men win at Paul Smith's, October
- FLCC men win timber sports competition, November
- FLCC places third (photo Wayne Palmatier), October
- FLCC shows timber, October
- FLCC student hoping to chop his way to the top (photo Mark Schaub), May
- FLCC wins team, individual honors at timber sports competition, April
- FLCC's Schaub takes title (photo Mark Schaub), April
- Lyons & Palmyra students compete in Timber Sports, March
- Men and women take on the wood (photo Marty Dodge), October
- Mushy but merry festival, January
- The World Lumberjill championship, September
- Timberrrr!, April
- Timberrrr!!!! (photos David Jewett, Christine Van Gee), February
- Undergraduate team finishes third, October
- WC students on championship teams, May
- Awards
- FLCC awards five adult entering scholarships [Hope French, Edward Morris, Britton Kolb, Thomas Standish, Joann Salerno], November
- FLCC students honored at banquet, June
- Widmer honors, July
- Widmer honors banquet, June
- Clubs
- Conservation Club
- FLCC conservation club and Canandaigua Lake Pure Waters co-sponsor dump-site cleanup,November
- Helping out (photo including John Terninko), November
- Students help clean dumpsite, December
- Ecology
- Volunteers to clean up Gorham site, April
- Service projects by FLCC clubs, March
- Students complete service projects, January
- Conservation Club
- Coffee House
- Can't beat free coffee (photo Jeffrey Smith, Dan Smith, Rob Finazzo), May
- Crime
- . . . 9 students charged with possession of alcohol, May
- 41 charged at under-age party, January
- Binge drinking plagues New York colleges, October
- Boating scofflaws face crackdown (photo), May
- FLCC officials take steps to prevent underage drinking, October
- Four vie for two Gorham spots, October
- Letter to the editor - Lakefront danger - Susan Joyner, May
- Mourning and learning - the effects of alcohol are insidious; we all should know them, April
- Party leads to charges for 9, May
- Safe boating season, May
- Saturday party brings charges [Kelvin C. Wiles], March
- Three charged in FLCC fight [Samuel Lee Daniels, Willie J. Jones, William Asberry], March
- Underage drinking at issue, March
- When is enough enough?, September
- Disabilities
- Disabled students topic of talk, March
- Foreign Students
- Foreign students return [Jan Kudrnac, Cari Reyes, Cristina Reyes] (photo), May
- Swedish student studies America (photo Martin Storm), May
- Honor Societies
- Alpha Beta Gamma
- Business honorary inducts FLCC students, November
- FLCC students inducted in Alpha Beta Gamma business honor society, October
- Phi Theta Kappa
- Attending honors institute [Bette Rolley, Kandace Knowlden, Sarah Howard], August
- FLCC honor society inducts 64 new members, November, October
- FLCC honor society inducts new members, December
- FLCC honor society welcomes members, May
- FLCC hosted Phi Theta Kappa Scholars' leadership conference, October
- FLCC hosts Phi Theta Kappy conference, October
- FLCC's Phi Theta Kappa officers, October
- Honor society chapter, advisor honored [Louise Mulvaney], April
- Honors conference, December
- Phi Theta Kappa hosts conference, September
- Phi Theta Kappa induction at FLCC, April
- Rolley named vp Phi Theta Kappa [Bette Rolley], June
- Seven named to Phi Theta Kappa (photos Katie Wolf, Sarah Moon), November
- Alpha Beta Gamma
- Late-night haunt (photos Denny's), May
- Students
- Adam, Craig
- To college (photo), June
- Addley, William "Billy"
- Accident victim mourned by family, January
- Austic, Judith
- FLCC student has article published, October
- Student's article published, October
- Austin, James
- Engagement told (photo), February
- Suzanne M. McCormick Austin (photo), July
- Bacher, Jennifer M. Deschamps
- To college (photo), June
- Badmone, Angela
- Badmone to FLCC (photo), July
- Barreno, Ananda
- First all-female crew chops toward its goal (photo), June
- Beaupre, Aimee
- To college (photo), May
- Bennett, Joelle M.
- Engaged (photo), May
- Bennett, Laura M.
- Bennett-Doyen (photo), January
- Berry, Ryan
- Basketball program grows at St. Michael's, December
- Bliss, Thomas
- Heidi Saathoff and Thomas Bliss (photo), July
- Bloss, Michelle
- Bloss will be nursing major, August
- Bounds, Jane
- College notes (photo), December
- FLCC student receives NYS Sheriffs' Association scholarship (photo James Sconfietti, Paul Phillips, Jane Bounds, Philip Povero, Jack Bricker), November
- Brougham, Sheri
- A different perspective (photo), March
- Bryant, Sarah
- Musician profile (photo), May
- Buisch, Jeanna
- Students working as interns, January
- Burns, Jeffrey
- . . . named to dean's list (photo), February
- Calabrese, Lindsay
- To college, July
- Calladine, Eric
- FLCC freshman joins Forecast this week, November
- Carey, Robert
- Carey honored for juggling school, family, April
- FLCC adult students receive awards, April
- Chilson, Angel
- Engaged, February
- Engaged (photo), March
- Chimera, John M.
- Sheriff's award to Chimera, January
- Cirillo, Christopher H.
- To college (photo), June
- Cole, Michael
- Cole attends FLCC (photo), September
- Conley, Kevin D.
- . . . named to dean's list, July
- Damaske, Mieke
- Damaske, Welker get awards, June
- FLCC athletes receive NJCAA Region III academic award recognition, June
- Davis, Brian
- Two new faces join Fearless Forecast, October
- Deon, Kristy
- Scholarships awarded, June
- Dolan, Sherry Jean
- Profile of a senior athlete (photo), October
- Donahue, Janice
- Donahue-Gowan (photo), July
- Drews, John
- Local band records album, will sell music locally, August
- Eldredge, Chester A.
- Marianacci-Eldredge (photo), March
- Erb, Darcy
- CA students get to work on careers, October
- Evans, Adam
- To college (photo), June
- French, Hope N.
- Two Chamber of Commerce scholarships awarded, October
- Gallow, Joseph P.
- Seed money - scholarships and horticultural education programs funded by show proceeds,March
- Gavette, Corey
- To college (photo), June
- Goodwin, Cynthia
- Theater company awards scholarships to graduates (photo), October
- Gowan, Thomas Jr.
- Engaged, March
- Hanson, Peggy
- Golden Pen award to Hanson of Newark, May
- Henries, Daniel
- PY 1st baptist, June
- Henries, Pamela
- Daniel and Pamela Henries receive student awards, May
- FLCC adult students receive awards, April
- Hopkins, Kellie
- Bundling up good cheer (photo), December
- Hopkins, Steve
- Life for folks in Wallace is a matter of the heart, July
- Howard, Sarah
- . . . elected to offices in Phi Theta Kappa, October
- Howie, Joel
- Couple planning wedding in 1999 (photo), October
- Hulbert, Thomas Jr.
- Named to dean's list (photo), January
- Jones, Scott
- Clifton Springs resident Scott Jones elected vice president of FLCC's Phi Theta Kappa,October
- Student presents workshop (photo), October
- Kearns, Joseph P.
- Robbery charge for 18-year-old, November
- Keenan, Ryan
- Horseheads' coach Keenan retires [father of Ryan], June
- Kelly, Betty Jean
- . . . awarded a $1,000 scholarship (photo), January
- Kelsey, Joshua D.
- Drowning survivor has been charged, March
- Kimble, Wesley G.
- Wilfeard-Kimble (photo), February
- Klimaszewski, Connie M.
- Engaged (photo), September
- Kline, Trisha
- Lutz, Scott head the class at Wayland-Cohocton, June
- Knowlden, Kandace
- . . . elected to offices in Phi Theta Kappa, October
- Kodweis, Carol
- Speakers listed for garden symposium, December
- Lee, Rob
- To college (photo), May
- Lewis, Garrett J.
- To college [RIT], March
- Lowry, Kevin
- FLCC professor and students present papers at scientific paper conference, November
- Mangan, Erin
- Students benefit from L.O. Moose (photo), September
- Marsh, Eric
- FLCC's Marsh named All-American, November
- Martin-Looney, Kelly Jo
- Martin-Looney awarded scholarship, February
- Mauck, William III
- Hiker turns up safe, November
- McGuane, Maureen
- To college (photo), July
- McIntyre, Jason
- To college (photo), June
- McLoud, Sarah
- McLoud, Gaylord plan 1999 wedding, December
- McLoud-Gaylord engaged (photo), November
- McNabb, Seanean C.
- To college (photo), July
- Melious, Cory D.
- To college (photo), August
- Milbrandt, Paul J.
- FLCC freshman drowns in lake (photo), March
- FLCC student drowns, March
- Student dies after canoeing accident, March
- Miller, Jody Marie
- To college, May
- Miller, Matt
- Three-sport athlete Miller receives '97 Boyle award (photo), June
- Morgan, Patricia
- Around the town with Eileen Levy, October
- Morrell, Sarah
- Teen to enter pageant (photo), October
- Morris, Edward
- Two Chamber of Commerce scholarships awarded, October
- Newland, Laura
- Two receive awards at graduation, July
- Norton, Keith
- Norton-Lewis (photo), November
- Ottley, David S.
- Ottleys graduate from college, October
- Paddock, Cory
- A world of difference - five local soccer players learned quite a bit on a recent trip to Europe,May
- Pealer, Jennifer
- Students work on window (photo), April
- Pero, Jason L.
- Pero to FLCC (photo), June
- To college (photo), May
- Pierce, Courtney
- Debbie Pierce to run for Urbana town clerk (photo), November
- Potter, Jason
- Graduated area student-athletes' future plans (photo), August
- Rapini, Melissa
- Students work on window (photo), April
- Reed, Jenny
- Lumberjill tackles Alaska (photo), September
- Reifsteck, Tanya
- Reifsteck picks SUNY Brockport, April
- Rice, Delena Ann
- Rice-Washburn (photo), May
- Rippey, Angela
- MW grad Rippey to attend FLCC, August
- Rippey to FLCC (photo), June
- Rivera-Riggins, Jannette
- . . . is the 1997 recipient of Ontario ARC's Margaret F. Bonney Memorial Scholarship,September
- Agency honors employee (photo), October
- Rivera-Riggins named Bonney scholar (photo), September
- Rogers, Stacey
- FLCC adult students receive awards, April
- Rogers, Tod J.
- Penn Yan student in business honor society, November
- Rohring, Susan V.
- Rohring inducted into honor society, April
- Rolley, Bette
- Palmyra resident named VP of two-year college honor society (photo), July
- Phi Theta Kappa elects leaders (photo), May
- Rolley named to All-USA Academic Team (photo), March
- Rosell, Constance
- Most teen moms carry burden after dads leave, July
- Salerno, Joann
- Salerno earns scholarship, December
- Sawyer, Stacy Lynn
- Profile of a senior athlete (photo), March
- Schultz, Karl
- . . . awarded scholarship, July
- Schwartz, Mary Beth
- Residents involved in showcase group, April
- Shultz, Tracey
- Engagement announcement (photo), November
- Smith, Jonathan D.
- Student's status at Strong improves, May
- Smythe, Matt
- . . . who started the lacrosse team . . . will graduate (photo), May
- Snavlin, Brad
- Area student-athletes' share their future plans, September
- Spinelli, Michael
- FLCC student publishes article in area newsletter, November
- Sprague, Kelly
- . . . inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, October
- Stanley, Linda
- . . . has received the Superior Scholarship in Accounting Studies Award (photo), May
- Scholarship given to Stanley, July
- Stoke, Theresa
- Scholarship for Stoke (photo), March
- Stoke earns nursing scholarship (photo), February
- Sweeney, Christine
- FLCC professor and students present papers at scientific paper conference, November
- Taylor, Ryan A.
- To college (photo), July
- Terborg, Mike
- Sports editor ups advantage, November
- Tolley, Lindsay C.
- College milestones for Tolley siblings, October
- Siblings graduate, make dean's list, September
- Van Patten, Diane
- A year to remember - three area women reflect on major life changes in '97 (photo),December
- Venuti, Amanda C.
- Engaged (photo), August
- Wagner, Christina
- Trapped under vehicle, girl dodges serious injury, December
- Wagner, Michael
- . . . won the NYS Mathematics Association of . . . scholarship, May
- Scholarship for Wagner, May
- Wagner, Tina
- Immaculata students accepted to college, earn scholarships, September
- Webster, Kyle
- Proposed smoking law met with yawn locally, January
- Welker, Paul
- Damaske, Welker get awards, June
- Knights triumph in exciting fashion, May
- White, Jerry
- World mourns Diana - FLCC student paints a tribute (photo of artwork), September
- Whiting, Nathan Thomas
- Profile of a senior athlete (photo), March
- Wiatrowski, Elizabeth M.
- Student inducted into honor society, April
- Wightman, Jennifer
- Letter to the editor - An unhappy victim of a hit-run driver, May
- Wilbert, James K.
- To college, May
- Wind-Thunder, Govinda
- When every day is Halloween, vampire night turns supernatural, February
- Witt, Devon
- Moose gives back to community (photo), September
- Wolf, Ben
- . . . awarded scholarship (photo), May
- FLCC student receives award (photo), May
- Wood, Sandra
- Engagement announced (photo), November
- Wootton, Scott
- FLCC student Scott Wootton on winning team of B.A.S.S. event, October
- Adam, Craig
- Trips
- ad - Spring Break '97 Daytona Beach, February
- Colleges aim to provide leadership in 21st century, August
- Community college leaders push for tuition increase, October
- Community college tuition waivers OK'd, October
- Community colleges ask to raise tuition cap by $300, September
- Community colleges on a new page?, November
- County dreads state cuts, March
- GCC upgrading its computer labs, February
- GRADE program aids students, April
- International education is part of the mission of community colleges, September
- Invest in colleges to make welfare work, February
- Merger of 2-year colleges urged, October
- Pataki aid cut spells trouble for community-college students, January
- Pataki budget would cut tuition funding, February
- Pataki's cuts hit NCCC, February
- Plan would raise tuition, cut student aid, January
- Rescue 2-year colleges, October
- Students fight for tuition aid, April
- SUNY wants free tuition for valedictorians, salutatorians, November
- SUNY's online classes soar, September
- Tuition freeze for community colleges OK'd, September
- Alfred, 2-year colleges sign transfer agreement, August
- Colleges reach transfer agreement [Alfred], July
- Fair
- FLCC spring 1997 transfer fair, March
- FLCC transfer fair, April
- FLCC and Alfred, June
- FLCC and RIT join forces to provide degree opportunities, September
- FLCC and SUNY Alfred team-up to provide degree opportunities, July
- FLCC and SUNY ESF agreement, May
- FLCC signs SUNY transfer pact [with Cortland], January
- FLCC transfer agreement with SUNY Cortland, February
- FLCC, St. Bonaventure make agreement, January
- FLCC-RIT transfer pact, October
- FLCC-SUNY Cortland sign agreement, May
- FLCC/St. Bonaventure degree partnership, February
- Regents College
- FLCC is Regents college examination test center, April, January
- Regents college, January
- Regents college test dates set, February
- Regents exams at FLCC Canandaigua, June
- Transfer agreement [ESF], April
- County wants to add buses, February
- FLCC tuition stays put, June
- No raise in tuition at FLCC, July
- SUNY leader receives a 45 percent pay raise - trustees approve an increase to $250,000 at the same time, community college tuitions go up, October
- Whew . . . tuition's not going up, July