Archives Classification Scheme
RG= Record Group
RG 0 = Governing Bodies
- 0/1 - Board of Trustees
- 0/1/1 - Minutes (see bound volumes)
- 0/1/2 - Bylaws
- 0/1/3 - Committees
- 0/1/4 - Members
- 0/1/5 - Correspondence
- 0/1/6 - Operating Policy Manual
- 0/2 - Ontario County
- 0/2 - Correspondence
- 0/2/1 - Employee newsletter (see also CSEA Visions)
- 0/2/2 - Annual picnic
- 0/2/3 - Public employee recognition day
- 0/3 - Board of Supervisors
- 0/3/1 - 1969 Controversy over future of CCFL
- 0/4 - SUNY Board of Supervisors
- 0/5 - Advisory Councils and Committees
- 0/5/1 - Environmental Conservation Advisory Council
- 0/5/2 - Campus Regulations and Communication Committee
- 0/5/3 - Vocational Education Advisory Committee
- 0/5/4 - Advisory Committee on Energy Resources and Utilization
- 0/6 - New York State Department of Education
- 0/7 - SUNY
- 1/1 - Annual Reports
- 1/1/1 - Report to the Community
- 1/2 - Budget
- 1/2/1 - Budget Planning
- 1/3 - Correspondence
- 1/3/1 - Speeches
- 1/3/2 - Summer work week
- 1/3/3 - College Closings
- 1/3/4 - Holiday Cards
- 1/4 - Academic Calendar
- 1/4/1 - Official Holidays
- 1/5 - Governance Committees
- 1/5/0 - Governance Task Force 2001-
- 1/5/0/1 - Governance Constitution Spring 2003
- 1/5/0/2 - Governance Review Committee 2009-
- 1/5/1 - Curriculum
- 1/5/1/1 - Jan Plan Planning
- 1/5/1/2 - Summer Session Planning
- 1/5/1/3 - Curriculum Review Committee 1985-1988
- 1/5/2 - Financial Strategies
- 1/5/3 - Grounds, Facilities, and Safety (formerly Buildings & Grounds)
- 1/5/3/1 - Minutes
- 1/5/3/2 - Correspondence
- 1/5/3/3 - Studies
- 1/5/4 - Human Resources
- 1/5/4/1 - Employee Recognition - see also 4/10 for Employee Recognition Events
- 1/5/4/2 - Mentoring Program
- 1/5/4/3 - Professional Days Planning Subcommittee
- 1/5/5 - Long Range Planning
- 1/5/5/1 - SESA (Strategic Excellence Set-Aside) Subcommittee
- 1/5/6 - Student Services
- 1/5/7 - Teaching and Instructional Assessment
- 1/5/8 - Governance Link (minutes of committee meetings)
- 1/5/9 - Development
- 1/5/10 - Assessment
- 1/5/11 - Calendar
- 1/5/12 - Communications
- 1/5/13 - Academic Policies
- 1/5/14 - Academic Senate 2003-
- 1/5/15 - College Council 2003-
- 1/5/16 - Senate/Council/Administration Minutes 2003-
- 1/5/17 - Governance Work Group Meeting Minutes
- 1/6 - Chancellor's Awards
- 1/6/1 - Librarianship
- 1/6/2 - Professional Service
- 1/6/3 - Teaching
- 1/6/4 - Students
- 1/6/5 - Applications
- 1/6/6 - Faculty Service
- 1/6/7 - Scholarship and Creative Activities
- 1/6/8 - Classified Service
- 1/7 - Disaster/Emergency Plan (?)
- 1/8 - Organizational Charts
- 1/9 - Master Plan, Institutional Plan, Strategic Plan
- 1/10 - Middle States Report
- 1/10/1 - Preparation
- 1/10/2 - Visitation
- 1/10/3 - Institutional Self-Study Handbooks
- 1/10/4 - Correspondence with Middle States Association
- 1/10/5 - Reports
- 1/10/6 - Standards for Accreditation
- 1/10/7 - Self-Study Data Files, mostly 1992
- 1/11 - Middle Management Forum
- 1/12 - President’s Cabinet
- 1/13 - President’s Meetings
- 1/14 - College Philosophy and Mission Statement
- 1/14/1 - Institutional Priorities
- 1/14/2 - Mission Review Work Group 2004
- 1/14/3 - Sustainability Mission Statement, Vision and Philosophy
- 1/15 - College Hour Policy (see also union meetings)
- 1/16 - Re-organization and Re-structuring
- 1/17 - Section 504 Committee (Handicap Accessibility)
- 1/18 - Retention Committee
- 1/19 - Image and Marketing Task Force
- 1/20 - Enrollment Management Team
- 1/21 - Task Force on Academic Structure
- 1/22 - President's Symposium for Community Leaders
- 1/23 - Finger Lakes Hour
- 2/1 - CSEA
- 2/1/1 - Charter
- 2/1/2 - Minutes
- 2/1/3 - Contracts
- 2/2 - Faculty Association (give dates) (NEA-NY)
- 2/2/1 - Charter
- 2/2/2 - Constitution
- 2/2/3 - Minutes (see bound)
- 2/2/4 - Committees
- Academic Standards
- Blue Ribbon Committee on Student Learning
- Board of Trustees Liaison
- By-laws and Constitution
- Cultural Affairs
- Exit Essay
- Faculty Affairs
- Faculty Development
- Faculty Retreat
- Flower and Gift
- Grievance
- Merit
- Negotiations
- Nominating
- PAC (Political Action Committee)
- Promotion
- Public Information
- Social
- Steering
- Student Affairs
- Student & Cultural Affairs
- 2/2/4.5 - Ad Hoc Committees
- 2/2/5 - Resolutions
- 2/2/6 - Contracts
- 2/2/7 - Associated Community College Faculties (ACCF)
- 2/2/8 - Social Events (see also CCFL Faculty Wives Association)
- Holiday Party
- 2/2/9 - Annual Report
- 2/2/10 - Executive Committee Minutes
- 2/2/11 - Correspondence
- 2/2/12 - Task Force on Organizational Structure
- 2/2/13 - Treasurer
- 2/3 - Professional Association (NEA-NY)
- 2/3/1 - Charter
- 2/3/2 - Minutes
- 2/3/3 - Committees
- 2/3/3/1 - Grievance
- 2/3/3/2 - Labor Relations
- 2/3/3/3 - Professional Affairs
- 2/3/3/4 - Professional Development
- 2/3/3/5 - Sunshine
- 2/3/3/6 - Auxiliary Services
- 2/3/3/7 - Negotiations
- 2/3/3/8 - Professional Achievement Awards
- 2/3/4 - Constitution
- 2/3/5 - Contracts
- 2/3/6 - Parties & Receptions
- 2/3/7 - Correspondence
- 2/3/8 - Executive Committee Minutes
- 2/3/9 - Assessment of the Membership Program
- 2/3/10 - Sick Bank
- 2/3/11 - Newsletters (Kazoo)
- 2/3/12 - Professional Development Leave Applications
- 2/3.5 - Civil Service Staff
- 2/4 - Teaching Faculty Bargaining Council (independent)
- 2/5 - Faculty Club (Non-affiliated union)
- 3/1 - Teaching Faculty Forum
- 3/2 - Handbooks
- 3/2/1 - Adjunct Faculty
- 3/2/2 - Faculty
- 3/3 - Faculty Seminar
- 3/4 - Faculty Council of Community Colleges
- 3/5 - Teaching Center / Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL)
- 3/5/1 - Brochures
- 3/5/2 - Brown Bag Workshops
- 3/5/3 - Teleconferences
- 3/5/4 - Book Discussions
- 3/5/5 - League of Innovations
- 3/5/6 - Teaching Squares
- 3/6 - Faculty Exchange Program
- 3/7 - Newsletters
- 3/7/1 - CCFL Faculty Mentor 1990-1995
- 3/8 - Course Preparation
- 3/9 - Educational Philosophy
- 3/10 - Professional Development
- 3/11 - Teaching Collections
- 4/0 - General Correspondence
- 4/1 - Benefits
- 4/1/1 - Retirement
- 4/1/2 - Health Insurance
- 4/1/3 - Vacation & Sick Days & Leave Exchange
- 4/1/4 - Tax information
- 4/1/5 - Tuition Waivers
- 4/1/6 - Sabbaticals & Leaves of absence
- 4/1/7 - Credit Union
- 4/1/8 - Life Insurance
- 4/1/9 - Flexible Spending
- 4/1/10 - Salary Information
- 4/1/11 - Release Time and Stipends
- 4/1/12 - College Savings
- 4/2 - Employee Policies
- 4/2/1 - Employee Handbook
- 4/2/2 - General Policies and Procedures Handbook
- 4/2/3 - Sexual Harassment
- 4/2/4 - Violence on Campus
- 4/2/5 - Drug & Alcohol
- 4/2/6 - Crisis Response
- 4/2/7 - Smoking
- 4/2/8 - Handicap Access
- 4/2/9 - Right to Know Law & Hazard Communication Standard
- 4/3 - Position Searches
- 4/3/1 - Director of Curriculum & Instruction
- 4/3/2 - Misc positions
- 4/3/3 - President
- 4/3/4 - Dean of College
- 4/3/5 - Vice President for Academic Affairs
- 4/3/6 - Director of Campus Safety
- 4/4 - Student Employment (includes work-study program)
- 4/5 - open
- 4/6 - Affirmative Action
- 4/7 - Staff Directories / Telephone Directories
- 4/7/1 - Office Assignments
- 4/7/2 - Office Hours
- 4/8 - Job Descriptions
- 4/8.5 - Job Postings
- 4/9 - Orientations for Faculty and Staff
- 4/10 - Employee Recognition Events - see also 1/5/4/1 for event planning
- 4/10/1 - Employee Volunteer Recognition
- 4/11 - Promotions and Continuing Appointment
- 4/12 - Emeritus Status
- 4/13 - Excellence in Higher Education Training Program
- 4/14 - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- 4/15 - Evaluations, Performance Reviews
- 4/16 - Lists of New Employees
- 5/0 - Correspondence
- 5/1 - Safety and Security
- 5/1/1 - Correspondence
- 5/1/2 - Campus Safety Handbook and Brochures
- 5/1/3 - Fire Drills
- 5/1/4 - Parking
- 5/1/5 - College Vehicles
- 5/1/6 - CCFL Contingency Plan 1990
- 5/2 - Controller
- 5/2/1 - Bursar
- 5/2/2 - Payroll
- 5/2/3 - Purchasing
- 5/3 - Business Services (Central Services)
- 5/3/1 - Announcements & Correspondence
- 5/3/2 - Handbook
- 5/4 - Development Office
- 5/4/0 - Correspondence
- 5/4/1 - Alumni Relations
- 5/4/1/1 - Newsletters - Ambassador
- 5/4/1/2 - Student Alumni Association (includes Alumni Banquet & Dedication Dinner)
- 5/4/1/3 - Distinguished Alumni Awards
- 5/4/1/4 - Exceptional Service Award
- 5/4/1/4/1 - Storefront Pioneers Award Celebration
- 5/4/1/5 - The Peg and Raker: FLCC Woodmen Newsletter
- 5/4/2 - FLCC Foundation
- 5/4/2/1 - Deer on Parade
- 5/4/2/2 - Scholarships and Awards
- 5/4/2/3 - Visting Scholars Forum
- 5/4/2/4 - Press Conferences
- 5/4/2/5 - Go Green Student of the Month
- 5/4/2/6 - Book Feast
- 5/4/2/7 - Golf Tournament
- 5/4/2/8 - Official Minutes
- 5/4/2/9 - Financial Statements
- 5/4/2/10 - Foundation Ledgers
- 5/4/2/11 - Founders Day
- 5/4/3 - Newsletters
- 5/4/4 - Campaigns
- 5/4/5 - Grants Office
- 5/5 - Tuition Information
- 5/6 - Administration Manual
- 5/7 - Travel and Conference Reimbursement
- 6/1 - Institutional Computing
- 6/1/1 - Correspondence
- 6/1/2 - Computer Planning
- 6/1/2/1 - Instructional Computing Planning Group
- 6/1/3 - Computer Training
- 6/1/4 - Newsletters
- 6/1/5 - Brochures
- 6/1/6 - Web Pages
- 6/1/6/1 - Electronic Publications Advisory Group
- 6/2 - Buildings and Grounds
- 6/2/0 - Correspondence
- 6/2/1 - Maintenance
- 6/2/2 - Physical Plant - General
- 6/2/2/0 - Correspondence
- 6/2/2/1 - Facilities Happenings Newsletter
- 6/2/3 - Business Institute
- 6/2/4 - Downtown Campus
- 6/2/5 - Eastview Extension Center
- 6/2/6 - Geneva Extension Center
- 6/2/7 - Newark/Wayne County Extension Center
- 6/2/8 - Seneca Army Depot Extension Center
- 6/2/8.5 - VA Rental
- 6/2/9 - Victor Extension Center
- 6/2/10 - Williamson Extension Center
- 6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Campus
- 6/2/11/1 - Auditorium/Tech Ctr Project
- 6/2/11/2 - Arboretum
- Serenity Garden
- 6/2/11/3 - Campus Maps and Site Plans
- 6/2/11/3/1 - Soil and Water Conservation Plan
- 6/2/11/4 - Greenhouse
- 6/2/11/5 - Gymnasium
- Putt Moore Court
- 6/2/11/6 - Library expansion project and other library projects
- 6/2/11/6/1 - Library Plans
- 6/2/11/6/2 - Library Equipment and Furniture
- 6/2/11/6/3 - LAIP [Library Automation Implementation Plan]
- 6/2/11/7 - Lincoln Hill site plan and construction
- 6/2/11/8 - No Smoking Zones
- 6/2/11/9 - Ontario Building
- 6/2/11/10 - Peonies (1971)
- 6/2/11/11 - RPO/FLPAC
- 6/2/11/12 - Telephone System - Voice Mail News and College Switchboard
- 6/2/11/13 - Trails and Woodlot
- 6/2/11/14 - Vertical expansion project
- 6/2/11/15 - Student housing
- 6/2/11/16 - Student Center/Union
- 6/2/12 - West Hill Nature Preserve
- 6/2/12/1 - West Hill Resource Inventory and Land Use Management Master Plan 1977
- 6/2/13 - Recycling
- 6/2/14 - Viticulture Center
- 6/2/15 - Russel Station
- 6/2/15/1 - Russell Station Resource Management Plan
- 6/2/16 - Camp Warren Cutler
- 6/2/16/1 - Camp Warren Cutler Natural Resource Inventory
- 6/2/17 - Camp Babcock-Hovey
- 6/2/17/1 - Camp Babcock-Hovey Conservation Plan 2000-2005
- 6/2/17/2 - Camp Babcock-Hovey Conservation Plan 1990-1995
- 6/2/19 - Davis Mountain
- 6/2/19/1 - Davis Mountain Master Plan
- 6/2/18 - Savannah Evergreen Farms
- 6/2/18/1 - Inventory and Recommendations for Fishery Ponds
- 6/2/18/1 - Inventory and Recommendations for Fishery Ponds
- 6/3 - Institutional Reporting
- 6/3/1 - CCFL Data Book
- 6/3/2 - Enrollment Reports & Statistics
- 6/3/3 - Program Review Reports
- 6/3/4 - Non-returning student survey
- 6/3/5 - Newsletters - Information on Office of Planning & Institutional Assessment
- 6/3/6 - Survey of Graduates - see also 7/3/1/5 Alumni Follow-up Study
- 6/3/7 - Student Opinion Survey 1985-
- 6/3/8 - Survey of College Staff
- 6/3/9 - County Survey
- 6/3/10 - Facilities and Equipment Report
- 6/3/11 - Student Profiles
- 6/3/12 - Program Cost Analysis
- 6/3/13 - Proposal Writing Handbook
- 6/3/14 - SUNY Undergraduate Alumni Outcomes Survey
- 6/4 - Policies & Plans
- 6/4/1 - Facility Policies Manual 1976
- 6/4/2 - Facilities expansion plan
- 6/4/3 - ADA Facilities Improvement Plan 1995-97
- 6/4/4 - Handbook for Equipment, Inventory Control and Guidelines
- 6/4/5 - Facilities Needs February 1983
- 6/4/6 - Facilities Master Plan - 1997
- 6/4/6/1 - Facilities Master Plan Update 2003
- 6/4/6/2 - Facilities Master Plan Update 2007
- 6/5 - Surveys/Studies
- 6/5/1 - Hazardous Material Safety Survey Study 1989
- 7/0 - Dean of Students
- 7/0/1 - Code of Conduct
- 7/0/2 - Student Handbook
- 7/0/3 - Correspondence
- 7/0/4 - Student Bill of Rights
- 7/0/5 - Enrollment Bulletin
- 7/0/6 - Campus Referral Guide
- 7/0/7 - Student Services Newsletter - The Open Door 1995-96
- 7/0/8 - Academic Standards and Policies
- 7/0/9 - Military Deployment
- 7/1 - Registrar
- 7/1/1 - Correspondence
- 7/1/2 - Registration
- 7/1/3 - Student Records Policies
- 7/1/4 - Webadvisor
- 7/1/5 - "W" Grade Debate (withdrawal from class)
- 7/2 - Admissions
- 7/2/1 - Applications for Admission
- 7/2/2 - Reports
- 7/2/3 - Guides
- 7/2/4 - Admissions Update Newsletter
- 7/2/5 - Correspondence
- 7/2/6 - Finger Lakes Visions (guidance counselor newsletter)
- 7/2/7 - Recruitment
- 7/2/8 - Testing
- 7/3 - The Center for Advisement and Personal Development
- 7/3/0 - Brochures, Survival Guides
- 7/3/1 - Career Counseling
- 7/3/1/1 - Brochures
- 7/3/1/2 - Employer Handbooks
- 7/3/1/3 - Newsletters - World of Work, Career Connection
- 7/3/1/4 - Marketplace (job listings)
- 7/3/1/5 - Alumni Follow-up study
- 7/3/2 - Chaplain
- 7/3/3 - Counseling Services
- 7/3/4 - Development/EOP (Educational Opportunity Program)
- EOP newsletter
- 7/3/5 - Placement/Transfer Opportunities
- 7/3/6 - Advisement
- 7/3/6/1 - Advisor’s Handbook
- 7/3/6/2 - SUNY General Education Requirements
- 7/3/7 - Crisis Intervention Team
- 7/3/8 - Information Tables
- 7/3/9 - Help Desk
- 7/4 - Financial Aid
- 7/4/1 - Brochures
- 7/4/2 - Scholarships
- 7/4/3 - Work Study
- 7/5 - Student Health
- 7/6 - Student Activities
- 7/6/1 - Clubs
- Afro-Latin Club
- Art Club
- Arts & Criticism Club
- Business Club
- Communications Club
- Computer Club
- Conservation Club
- Conservation-Outdoor Rec Club
- Criminal Justice Club (see also Police Science Club)
- Culinary Arts Food Club
- Cultural Diversity Club
- DECA (New York State Association of the Distributive Education Club of America) - CCFL Chapter
- Environmental Awareness Club
- FLCC Tenant Association
- Health & Fitness Club
- Horticulture Club
- Hotel Management Club
- Hospitality Student Association
- Human Services/Social Science Club
- International Student Club
- Legal Society
- Literary Club
- Music Club
- New Horizons Club (Adult Student Club)
- New York State Collegiate Veterans Organization - CCFL Chapter
- Newman Club
- Nursing Club
- Police Science Club (see also Criminal Justice Club)
- Psychology Club
- Science Club
- Science and Technology Club
- Secretarial Club
- Ski Club
- Social Science Club
- Radio Club
- SAVE (Student Voluntary Action Center)
- Student Volunteer Services Bureau
- Technology Club
- Theatre Club
- Youth Volunteers
- 7/6/2 - Fraternities/Sororities
- InterGreek Council
- Alpha Beta Gamma-Nu
- Alpha Psi Delta
- Arethusa Eta
- Delta Chi Omega
- Kappa Sigma Epsilon
- Omicron Upsilon Iota
- Tau Sigma Pi
- 7/6/3 - Government (Student Association)
- 7/6/3/1 - Constitution (get new copy)
- 7/6/3/2 - Student Senate Minutes
- 7/6/3/3 - Finances and Funding
- 7/6/3/4 - Correspondence
- 7/6/3/5 - Elections
- 7/6/4 - Music
- Finger Lakes Chorale & other choral groups
- Finger Lakes Symphony & other orchestras
- Finger Lakes Wind Ensemble & other bands
- See also 12/2 - Concerts
- 7/6/5 - Newspapers
- CCFL Newspaper, (1969?)
- Nundawa Press, March 1968-May 1969
- La Mistral, Spring 1969
- The Record, Sept. 1971-September 1972
- Thursday Morning, October 1972
- Siphyll News/A Newspaper, November-December 1972
- Daily Stoned, Fall 1974
- The Informer, November 1975-?
- The Finger, Spring 1980
- The Laker Ledger, Fall 2013-present
- 7/6/6 - Orientation
- 7/6/7 - Radio Station/Radio Club
- 7/6/8 - Social Board
- 7/6/9 - Sports
- 7/6/9/1 - Baseball (men's)
- 7/6/9/2 - Softball (women's)
- 7/6/9/3 - Basketball (men's)
- 7/6/9/4 - Basketball (women's)
- 7/6/9/5 - Cross-Country
- 7/6/9/6 - Intermurals
- 7/6/9/7 - Tennis
- 7/6/9/8 - Woodsmen's team
- 7/6/9/9 - Lacrosse
- 7/6/9/10 - Ski Passes
- 7/6/9/11 - Cheerleading
- 7/6/9/12 - Men's Soccer
- 7/6/9/13 - Women's Soccer
- 7/6/10 - Theater
- Children's Theater
- Dinner Theater
- Summer Theater
- Student Plays
- 7/6/11 - Magazines
- Art
- 7/6/11/1 -34 South Main
- 7/6/11/1.5 -34 CCFL Fine Arts
- 7/6/11/2 -Windows
- Literary
- Nothing except loneliness
- Softstones Literary Magazine
- Thoughts from one to two
- The Ghost of Ben Franklin
- Review
- Writers Bloc Review (2008-2011)
- The Finger
- 7/6/12 - Student Action Groups
- 7/6/13 - Student IDs
- 7/6/14 - Housing
- 7/6/15 - Field Trips
- 7/6/16 - Open
- 7/6/17 - Student Awards - see also 12/2 Widmer's Honors Banquet
- 7/6/18 - Spring Break and other Student Trips
- 7/6/19 - CAP - Co-curricular Achievement Program
- 7/6/20 - Honor Societies
- 7/6/20/1 - Phi Theta Kappa
- Distinguished Educator Awards
- 7/6/20/1 - Phi Theta Kappa
- 7/6/21 - FLCC Mascot History
- 7/7 - College Relations
- 7/7/0 - Correspondence
- 7/7/1 - Newsletters
- 7/7/1/1 - This Week (missing fall ’83)
- 7/7/1/2 - CCFL Newsletter November 1973-July 1978
- 7/7/1/3 - CCFL Inside Oct. 1984-March 1985
- 7/7/1/4 - Faculty Views Fall 1968-Spring 1969
- 7/7/1/5 - Finger Lakes Chronicle 1995
- 7/7/1/6 - The Finger Lakes View 1977-1978
- 7/7/1/7 - Kanandarque Report Oct. 1967-Feb. 1969
- 7/7/1/8 - President’s Reports April 1968-Jan. 1973
- 7/7/1/9 - CCFL Campus Voice Spring 1983
- 7/7/2 - Press Releases
- 7/7/3 - Folders
- 7/7/4 - Speaker’s Bureau
- 7/7/5 - Recruitment Materials
- 7/7/5/1 - Brochures
- 7/7/5/2 - Factsheet
- 7/7/5/3 - Prospectus
- 7/7/5/4 - Viewbook
- 7/7/5/5 - Program Descriptions
- 7/7/5/6 - Adult Student Guide
- 7/7/6 - Course Offerings, Class Schedules
- 7/7/6/1 - Community Outreach Bulletin (includes BOCES course offerings)
- 7/7/6/2 - Addendum
- 7/7/7 -Catalogs- see boxes 12-15
- 7/7/8 - College Stationary and Business Cards
- 7/7/9 - Brochures about Office of College Relations
- 7/7/10 - Guides to Advertising, Publication, and Media Relations, June 1999
- 7/8 - Geneva Center
- 7/9 - Newark Center
- 7/10 - Victor Site
- 7/11 - Other Off-Campus Sites
- 7/12 - Activities Calendar/Arts Calendar
- 7/13 - Dean's List
- 7/14 - Grading
- 7/15 - Examinations
- 7/19 - One-Stop
- 8/0 - Dean of Academic Affairs Correspondence
- 8/0/1 - Dean's Meetings
- 8/0/2 - Progress Report on College Programs
- 8/0/3 - Department Head Assignments
- 8/1 - Office of Instruction
- 8/1/1 - Educational Technology Center
- 8/1/1/1 - open
- 8/1/1/2 - AV Correspondence
- 8/1/1/3 - AV Services Handbook
- 8/1/1/4 - Media Newsletter
- 8/1/1/5 - Etc, etc. Newsletter
- 8/1/1/6 - Workshops
- 8/1/1/7 - FLCC-TV
- 8/1/2 - Early Warning Notices
- 8/2 - Independent Study
- 8/3 - Honors Program
- 8/3/1 - Honors House Alumni Art Gallery
- 8/4 - Academic Departments and Programs
- 8/4/0 - Degree and Certificate Programs
- 8/4/0/1 - Course Syllabi
- 8/4/1 - Open
- 8/4/2 - Business (including Retailing)
- 8/4/2/1 - Hotel & Resort Management
- 8/4/2/2 - Internships
- 8/4/3 - Conservation/Horticulture
- 8/4/3/1 - Muller Field Station (includes Wild Roses newsletter)
- 8/4/3/2 - 30 year Anniversary
- 8/4/3/3 - Specimen Inventories
- 8/4/3/4 - Conservation Program History
- 8/4/4 - Developmental Studies
- 8/4/4/1 - News from Developmental Studies
- 8/4/4/2 - Faculty Guide to Students with Disabilities
- 8/4/4/3 - Academic Support Center
- 8/4/5 - EMS
- 8/4/6 - Language and Philosophy (includes English)
- 8/4/6/1 - The Write Place (writing center)
- 8/4/6/1/1 - Write Place Advisory Board
- 8/4/6/2 - Language Testing
- 8/4/6/3 - Writing Initiative Pilot Project - First Year Composition (FYC)
- 8/4/6/4 - Writing Intensive Courses - Development Committee
- 8/4/7 - Mathematics and Computing Services
- 8/4/8 - Mechanical Technology
- 8/4/9 - Music
- 8/4/10 - Natural Science
- 8/4/11 - Nursing
- Self-evaluation
- Department Meeting minutes 1968-1970
- 30 year Anniversary
- Articulation Plans
- Job Descriptions
- 8/4/12 - Physical Education
- 8/4/12/1 - Weight Room
- 8/4/12/2 - Gym
- 8/4/12/3 - Massage
- 8/4/13 - Physical Science
- 8/4/14 - Social Science
- 8/4/15 - Visual and Performing Arts
- 8/4/16 - Engineering Science
- 8/4/17 - Secretarial Science
- 8/4/18 - Criminal Justice and Police Science
- 8/4/19 - Paralegal
- 8/4/19/1 - Accreditation
- 8/4/20 - Viticulture
- 8/4/21 - Human Services
- 8/5 - Library Services
- 8/5/1 - Correspondence
- 8/5/2 - Periodicals Guide
- 8/5/3 - Library Workbook
- 8/5/4 - Dispatch Newsletter 1985-1987
- 8/5/5 - DILE and ILRAC grants
- 8/5/5/1 - Grant Reports
- 8/5/5/2 - Grant Proposals
- 8/5/5/3 - DILE (Designing Innovative Learning Experinces) History
- 8/5/6 - Learning Resources Center
- 8/5/7 - Organizational Chart
- 8/5/8 - Library Publications
- 8/5/8/1 - Library Brochures
- 8/5/9 - Library ComiCon 2014-
- 8/5/10 - SUNY Open Access 1974
- 8/5/11 - Library Study-a-Thon 2015-
- 8/5/12 - Library Archives
- 8/5/13 - Library Budgets
- 8/5/14 - Annual Reports/Statistics
- 8/5/15 - HEGIS and NCES Reports
- 8/5/16 - Division of Instructional Services (DIS)
- 8/5/16/1 - DIS staff meeting notes 1985-1993
- 8/5/16/2 - DIS and Middle States
- 8/5/17 - Library Poetry Readings
- 8/5/18 - Library Advisory Committee 2014-
- 8/6 - Continuing Education
- 8/6/0 - Correspondence
- 8/6/1 - Elderhostel
- 8/6/2 - Gemini Program
- 8/6/3 - The Institute for Workforce Development
- 8/6/4 - Community Education (includes correspondence)
- 8/6/4/1 - Kid's College
- 8/6/4/2 - SUNYSat and other Teleconferences
- 8/6/4/3 - College for Living
- 8/6/5 - Newsletters
- 8/6/6 - Brochures
- 8/7 - Tech Prep Program
- 8/8 - Academic Council (Department heads’ meetings)
- 8/9 - Academic Affairs Staff Meetings
- 8/10 - BOCES
- 8/11 - Faculty/Teacher Evaluation
- 8/12 - External College Partnerships
- 8/12/1 - Empire State College
- 8/12/2 - Medaille
- 8/13 - SUNY Learning Network (SLN) (Online courses)
- 8/14 - GED program
- 8/15 - Academic Commons
- 9/1 - Dean of the College
- 9/1/1 - Correspondence
- 9/1/2 - Speeches
- 9/1/3 - Dean's Committee
- 9/1/4 - Dean's Meetings
- 9/2 - Assessment (see also Assessment Committee)
- 9/2/1 - Correspondence
- 9/2/2 - Issues in Assessment
- 9/2/3 - SUNY General Education Assessment Plan 2011-2012
- 9/2/4 - Learning Framework
- 9/3 - Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- 9/3/1 - Correspondence
- 9/4 - VP and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs
- 9/4/1 - Correspondence
- 9/4/1/1 - "The Bulletin"
- 9/4/1 - Correspondence
- 9/5 - Division of Institutional Advancement
- 9/5/1 - Correspondence
- 9/5/1/1 - Arts & Culture at FLCC
- 9/5/1 - Correspondence
- 10/1 - Bookstore
- 10/2 - Cafeteria
- 10/3 - Child Care Center
- 10/4 - Vending Machines
- 10/5 - Smartsaver ID
- 10/6 - Student Union Wellness Center Proposal
- 11/1 - AWFLCC
- 11/2 - CCFL Faculty Wives Association (CCFLFWA)
- 11/3 - Sunshine Club 1968-1973
- 11/4 - Employee Wellness Committee
- 11/4/1 - Healthy Lifestyles Newsletter
- 11/4/2 - Student Wellness Committee 1999-2000
- 11/5 - Rochester Area Colleges (RAC)
- 11/6 - Lively Arts Council
- 11/7 - Benefits and Charities
- 11/7/1 - United Way/United Fund
- 11/7/2 - Special Olympics
- 11/7/3 - CROP walk
- 11/7/4 - Food Cupboard
- 11/7/5 - Oxfam
- 11/7/6 - Camp Good Days and Special Times
- 11/7/7 - Blood Drives
- 11/7/8 - Breast Cancer Walk
- 11/7/9 - Virtual Closet (interview clothes for students)
- 11/8 - NYS Association of Junior Colleges
- 11/9 - Open
- 11/10 - Personnel Committee
- 11/11 - Safety Committee
- 11/12 - Writing across the curriculum
- 11/13 - Campus Book Group
- 11/14 - Sustainability Committee
- 12/1 - Formal
- 12/1/1 - Commencement
- Addresses
- Invitations
- Programs (missing 1998)
- Planning
- Dedications
- 12/1/2 - Nursing Advancement (capping ceremony)
- 12/1/3 - Convocation
- 12/1/4 - Presidential Inaugurations
- 12/1/4/1 Dr. Roy I. Satre
- 12/1/4/2 Dr. Charles J. Meder
- 12/1/4/3 Dr. Daniel Hayes
- 12/1/4/4 Dr. Barbara Risser
- 12/1/4/5 Dr. Robert K. Nye
- 12/1/5 - Lincoln Hill Campus Dedication
- 12/1/6 - Lincoln Hill Groundbreaking
- 12/1/7 - FLCC 20th Anniversary
- 12/1/8 - FLCC 25th Anniversary
- 12/1/9 - Library Dedication 10/19/1996
- 12/1/10 - FLCC 40th Anniversary
- 12/2 - Less Formal
- Activities Day
- African American/Multicultural read-in
- Alcohol Awareness Week
- Appreciation Dinner
- Art Exhibits
- Black History Month
- Career Day
- Career Fairs
- Community College Week
- Concerts - see also specific campus groups
- Global Awareness Series
- Fall Picnic
- Family Day (see also Parents Day)
- Film Festivals
- Honors Banquets
- Constellation Brands Scholarship Reception (Widmer's Honors Banquet) - see also 7/6/17 Student Awards
- Interfaith Banquet
- Interfaith Breakfast
- Lakers Day
- Lectures, misc.
- Literary Field Trip (high school students), made "The Collection"
- May Day
- Open House
- Parents Day (see also Family Day)
- Plays (for student plays see 7/6/10 Theater)
- Poetry Readings
- President's Holiday Reception
- Scholar's Forum Series
- Spring Arts Fair / Festival
- Student Holiday Reception
- Vietnam War Information Day
- Women's Week
- Year End Dinner Dance
- Year End Picnic
- 13/1 - On-campus
- 13/1/1 - Convocation
- 13/1/2 - Professional/ Opening Days
- 13/1/3 - Open
- 13/1/4 - For the Public
- 13/1/5 - Workshops for Adjuncts
- 13/1/6 - Friday Conversations
- 13/1/7 - Summer Camps
- 13/2 - Off-campus
- 14/1 - Controversy over Establishment of College
- 14/2 - Campus Facilities Controversy
- 14/3 - Philosophy and Goals for CCFL 1967
- 14/4 - Campus response to terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001
- 14/5 - Alma Mater
- 14/6 - College Oral Histories
- 15/1 - George M. Ewing Canandaigua Forum
RG 16 - Biographical Information (will include retirement info, cross ref to newspaper clippings, etc.)
- 16/1 - Faculty and Staff
- 16/2 - Student biographical information
Your questions will be answered directly by an FLCC Librarian while the Library is open.